At 15 euro ($22) a tonne the price is high enough to induce power companies to switch some generation from coal to ga.
Recent evidence suggests fluctuations in GA concentration during de-etiolation.
Hiking along De-Ga-Ya-So creek, Letchworth State Park, in Perry, New York.
沿着位于纽约佩里的莱奇沃思州立公园的 De-Ga-Ya-So小溪徒步旅行。
Upgraded the Lotus Domino server to the gold-level GA code.
With its new investors, GA has the backing to expand globally and online.
GA alone is useful when you can define the fitness, but you can't easily optimize it.
They also settled in Macon, Ga., which Haskell explained, has a low cost of living.
That's an indication of the effectiveness of the GA algorithm as implemented by
这是 multicell.pl所实现的GA算法有效性的一个表现。
Schools in Bleckley County, Ga., have instituted “no homework nights” throughout the year.
Microsoft Convergence began over the weekend in Atlanta, GA at the Georgia World Congress Center.
First up is a bug with the very old GA-level kernel sles9-it doesn't come up on VLAN-tagged hardware.
The three-week experiment will take place in early 2010 at the Fort Benning, Ga., Maneuver Battle Lab.
Globally there are approximately 340, 000 GA aircraft, of which the US accounts for about 70 per cent.
His Newnan, Ga., company, a unit of Tredegar Corp., has cut its work force to about 850 from 1,300 in 2007.
他同时兼任美国卓德嘉集团(Tredegar Corp.)旗下的一个子公司Newnan,Ga.的老板,该公司将2007年时拥有的1300名员工的团队裁至只剩850人左右。
They are just a few of the one hundred or so GA members coding and brainstorming away at any given time.
他们只是GA的一小部分会员。 GA目前大约有一百名会员,不论什么时候,他们都在进行编程训练、开展头脑风暴。
More than one hundred GE employees will spend a week at GA over the next year in a sort of digital boot camp.
As our tradition with Spring projects, we'll be working to get developer feedback as we move to a GA release.
As can be seen in Figure 2, testing on this build did not complete until 11 days after the GA driver was produced.
Imagine that build 3 was an initial GA candidate, and almost 80% of the available tests were run producing good results.
The planners are responsible for main departments, Sales and GA in the screen above. They have the following requirements
Small store: 2 General Agents, 30 MBean per GA, 60 events per minute per GA, 10 method invocations per minute per GA.
小型商店:2 个普通代理,每个普通代理30 个Mbean,每个普通代理每分钟60 个事件,每个普通代理每分钟10 个方法调用。
Medium store: 25 General Agents, 30 MBean per GA, 60 events per minute per GA, 10 method invocations per minute per GA.
Introduced in beta mode with GemFire 5.5, the new "data fabric programming model" will be made GA in the future release.
在GemFire 5.5be ta版中出现的新的“数据中心编程模型”将在未来发布GA版。
We need a little longer to finalize the capabilities, fix bugs, receive feedback, write documentation, release etc.
我们需要更长的时间来确定功能、修改bug、接收反馈、编写文档、发布1.0.0 . GA等等。
Because of its broader focus on applied education and community, GA sees itself more as a new kind of urban networking campus.
In ancient India, for instance, there was the Pata, Buddhist portraiture, which was executed on the kasaya the monk's outer ga.
If it is not, make sure you download and install the GA version of JBossWS since this version has full support for JSR-181 annotations.
如果不能获得此版本,请确保下载并安装JBossWS的ga版,因为此版本提供了对JSR- 181的全面支持。
Null and default value Compression (V8 GA) : Compression for null, zero length data in variable length columns and system default value.
null值和缺省值压缩(V 8GA):对变长列中的零长度空数据和系统缺省值进行压缩。
Null and default value Compression (V8 GA) : Compression for null, zero length data in variable length columns and system default value.
null值和缺省值压缩(V 8GA):对变长列中的零长度空数据和系统缺省值进行压缩。