In some cases, partnership extends to gain-sharing and joint marketing and sales initiatives in countries with a growing power need.
In the end, sharing data, software and materials with colleagues can help an early career researcher to gain recognition—a crucial component of success.
In the end, sharing data, software and materials with colleagues can help an early-career researcher to gain recognition—a crucial component of success.
So I thought that sharing them here will extend their meaning and benefit beyond my own personal gain and that's a great thing.
Torrent sharing is the main way in which people gain access to copyright-infringing films and music.
The idea was that GM would gain access to small-car know-how, while sharing in the success of its affiliates in their local markets.
Share your knowledge: By building a solid foundation and sharing your knowledge with others, you will gain respect from others.
While those loose connections probably aren't enough to gain him recognition, he should be able to benefit from sharing the same label as successful artists such as Fennesz and Philip Jeck.
Integrated industry model has been adapting widely due to its nature of meeting different target market requirements so that gain resultant effect through proper resource allocation and sharing.
The gain or loss from the sale of the business must be divided among the partners in the agreed profit and loss sharing ratio before any cash is distributed to them.
The purpose of the paper is to enlighten and benefit the practical activities of human capital gain sharing in enterprises.
This paper firstly gives a brief introduction of the meaning, origin and functional features of gain sharing plan, then sums up and evaluates the theories concerned combining...
If they gain money, they will share their profit with partners who give them money according to sharing ratio agreed in advance.
If they gain money, they will share their profit with partners who give them money according to sharing ratio agreed in advance.