He now needs the guidance of a mentor who can not only push his game to a higher level but also help find and exploit weaknesses in world number one Nadal's game.
How much to explore (gain for the future) versus how much to exploit (sure bet now) is the game a hospital has to play.
The more rounds there are in a poker game, the more times an expert has an opportunity to exploit a less skilled opponent.
Our observation is that users tend to avoid putting their heads through objects once they realize it is possible, unless they realize an opportunity to exploit game design by doing so.
Hopefully I'll play and by the time that game comes around we'll have watched the video of the first leg and identified a few weaknesses of theirs that we can exploit.
It is easy to write off the asymmetrical tactical gurus as game-engine hackers who search for bugs and errors within the engine and exploit them.
It is easy to write off the asymmetrical tactical gurus as game-engine hackers who search for bugs and errors within the engine and exploit them.