In addition, the report includes statistics about the high level of parental involvement in video game play.
This leaves one last technical barrier: latency, or the effect a player's physical location has on game play.
The Tomb Raider series is great because there is plenty of action combined with actual thought provoking game play.
Up until now, hardware performance has favored classic game concepts that use addictive game play, but simple graphics.
The need to provide some level of matchmaking (the matchmaking capability USES statistics gathered about in-game play.)
Music, game play, big pictures, hot financial backing - this one's an app to watch, and listen-to as the case may be.
The game play and spectacular environments in the final game pushed Arkham Asylum to be a standout success game for the year.
This is often called the Pen and Paper model of role playing games (in reference to the Dungeons and Dragons-style game play).
这种玩法通常被叫做笔和纸模式的角色扮演游戏(指的是Dungeonsand Dragons形式的游戏玩法)。
For many types of games and many types of game play, monthly reoccurring subscription charges are not viable options for the target market.
It’s really over glamorized here, and that stupid doily cloth thing makes no sense, and doesn’t really enhance the PSP or game play experience.
According to Olson’s findings, 28 percent of boys and 5 percent of girls strongly agree that liking “guns and other weapons” motivates their game play.
Since many of the changes provided in patch files are required to improve game play, the patch file is something that most gamers are likely to download.
However, while we want to make the stories different, it should be stressed that we are not planning to give any game play advantages based on your decisions.
无论如何,当我们想令故事变得不同,但都是有压力的,因为我们不打算让你通过这些故事上做的决定而让你在玩GW 2时有任何优势。
This aspect of the communication restrictions may have been more significant to the results than the restrictions' direct effect on the speed of game play.
Another task may be to count the number of swear words throughout game play or plug in and unplug the controllers at different stages throughout the game play.
But simple substitution cyphers can be fun to play with, especially in an RPG context by handing someone an encoded message that they can work out during game play.
The other contingent rebuts that such research plays into “moral panic, ” exaggerates the negative impact and ignores the positive effects of violent game play.
Game devices are becoming more varied and the games themselves are becoming more complex, requiring higher quality graphic abilities and more creative and intricate game play.
This leads to interesting game play decisions: you have to decide when to use your energy to fire at the opponent and when to keep it in reserve to withstand potential damage.
It's not about any one methodology, instead Alistair analyzes game play, individual communication, team cooperation: the elements that are the core of all software development.
Alistair在书中并没有讨论任何一个方法,反而分析了形势运筹(game play),个体交流(individual communication)以及团队合作(team cooperation):这些都是软件开发中核心的元素。
If children play the game called Trick or Treat, what's the festival they are having?
Come, play not thy merry game of madman so far, mate; use it for thy amusement, not thy hurt.
When scientists had their subjects play a game in which they won money by deceiving their partner, they noticed the negative signals from the amygdala began to decrease.
Last week, my friend Liu Lei came round with a new computer game and asked to play it on my dad's computer.
Yet, despite the obvious rewards of engaging in office politics—a better job, a raise, praise—many people are still unable—or unwilling—to "play the game".
It might seem like an ordinary game to play with friends or family.
It might seem like an ordinary game to play with friends or family.