Gaps between rich and poor have grown even more dramatically than gaps in entering test scores.
An analysis published on December 13th by the Sutton Trust, an education charity, provides the latest evidence that gaps between rich and poor open up early.
They’ve both experienced sustained economic growth over the past few years and begun to tackle the big gaps between rich and poor while laying out ambitious plans for the future.
They might be unusually tolerant of big gaps between the rich and poor, but they expect the rich to pay their way and the state to offer a helping hand to those who cannot rise without one.
While more people are living longer and healthier lives, gaps are widening between the rich and the poor in some nations and tens of millions of people are vulnerable to food and water shortages.
The “dream deferred” is not only that of a nation which is still struggling to close the gaps between black and white, and rich and poor, but, as the author asserts, also Mr Mbeki's own.
The "dream deferred" is not only that of a nation which is still struggling to close the gaps between black and white, and rich and poor, but, as the author asserts, also Mr Mbeki's own.
The "dream deferred" is not only that of a nation which is still struggling to close the gaps between black and white, and rich and poor, but, as the author asserts, also Mr Mbeki's own.