It is worth mentioning that the Humble Administrator's Garden travel all seasons, spring view of Rhododendron summer view of Lotus, autumn view of Lotus winter view plum.
The company is located in Wuxi City, near Taihu Lake and plum garden, a beautiful environment, convenient transportation.
Position observation and analysis showed that the microclimate and soil greatly affected the tea yield and quality in the tea garden intercropped with plum.
Cultural techniques of interplanting pumpkin in young plum garden were summarized in this paper.
Analysising the major reasons of low production and inefficiency of plum garden and providing the proper and effective way to improving the products.
On the Contrary, most tourists to Plum Garden and Friendship Forest are from Wuhan.
Plum garden of Sui and Tang dynasties relic botanic garden sites is one of 28 gardens in Sui and Tang dynasties relic botanic garden.
Here and there stood an apple and a plum-tree, or else one never would have thought that it was a garden;
要不是这儿那儿有几株苹果树和梅子树,谁也不会想到这是一个花园。 处处都是牛蒡;
This article unified the project example, Changsha Tongguang kilnware ruins protectorate plum garden landscape plan design has carried on the detailed elaboration;
This article unified the project example, Changsha Tongguang kilnware ruins protectorate plum garden landscape plan design has carried on the detailed elaboration;