Garden suburb Early Learning Centre is located in a suburb of Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
In JUNE 76-year-old Dorothy Richardson of Euclid, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, discovered a fawn nestled in her garden.
76岁的陶乐希·理查德森(Dorothy Richardson)家住俄亥俄州克利夫兰城郊的欧几里得镇。
Roger Martin, a retired stone mason, had a huge garden in the back of his house in a far northern suburb of Paris.
马丁(Roger Martin)是个退休泥瓦匠,他的家在巴黎北部的远郊区,后院里有个很大的花园。
Roger Martin, a retired stone mason, had a huge garden in the back of his house in a far northern suburb of Paris.
马丁(Roger Martin)是个退休泥瓦匠,他的家在巴黎北部的远郊区,后院里有个很大的花园。