It is theoretically considered that reservoir gas-bearing makes interval transit time porosity and density porosity increase and neutron porosity decrease.
But it will fail to recognize the gas bearing bed buried deeper by the two methods as its porosity log feature is not obvious, especially when density porosity is lower than neutron porosity.
NMR Logging can provide accurate values of irreducible liquid, movable liquid, effective porosity and permeability, and also identify the tight zone, water zone and gas-bearing zone.
The porosity and permeability of coal-bearing strata have important influence to the exhaust and mining of coal bed gas, but the production of coal bed gas is precondition of its richen.
The difference of the porosity-calculated from sonic log and from neutron log is related to the effect of CO2 in gas-bearing beds.
用声波时差计算总孔隙度中t与计算出的中子孔隙度中。 对比,其差值就是CO:的影响所致。
The difference of the porosity-calculated from sonic log and from neutron log is related to the effect of CO2 in gas-bearing beds.
用声波时差计算总孔隙度中t与计算出的中子孔隙度中。 对比,其差值就是CO:的影响所致。