Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology can capture the carbon dioxide from coal and gas plants and prevent it from escaping to the atmosphere.
This past month, there has been a flurry of news, speculation, discussion and debate concerning methane gas escaping from Arctic permafrost and its impact on the global climate system.
Escaping gas can also spark catastrophic explosions and fires.
Rescue sites will often be unstable and hide many dangers: broken glass, protruding nails, weakened floors or stairs, downed electrical wires, escaping gas, broken sewer and water pipes.
Explosive gas is escaping from the pipes.
The faulted zones in South Sichuan serve as up escaping paths of subsurface gas and destroy sealing property of cap rocks.
Current carbon capture technology USES caustic amine-based solvents to separate CO2 from the flue gas escaping a facility's smokestacks.
To improve the volume expansion rate, lower the density of pp foam, gas escaping should be avoided by selecting the appropriate die temperature.
The simulation shows that with the model not only the allocation of gas resource can be greatly improved but the gas escaping will be limited so as to raise the economic benefit.
Tank and cover shall be shaped so as to prevent stagnation of water externally, and gas pocket internally which could trap escaping gas and thereby impede operation of the gas detector relay.
Scientists say they have evidence that the powerful greenhouse gas methane is escaping from the Arctic sea bed.
This paper also introduces a instrument designed by the author for collecting gas and a easy method for site measuring the total quantity of escaping gas.
When we got back, I noticed a loud, high-pitched noise. It sounded like gas or steam escaping under pressure from the basement.
Whole system is sealed, preventing escaping of poisonous gas. Automatic reagent change, automatic discharge waste water.
Have functions such as escaping from the gas, dehydration, taking off foreign substance, taking off acid, breaking emulsification, getting rid of a foam.
He's done stupid things before, but to look for the escaping gas with a match really was the ultimate silliness.
He's done stupid things before, but to look for the escaping gas with a match really was the ultimate silliness.