Where have you used the portable gas-fired cooker?
Most providers seem intent on filling the gap with gas-fired generation.
Britain has improved by switching from coal - to gas-fired power stations.
In some places, wind watts are now cheaper than those from oil - or gas-fired generators.
The economy of gas-fired infrared radiant heating system is analyzed with the engineering example.
At the same time, due to gas-fired boiler placed in every household, but also saves management costs.
That power, in turn, displaces generation from sources with higher fuel costs, such as gas-fired plants.
Another factor could be gas: prices have fallen and gas-fired stations are quicker and cheaper to build.
If the electricity is from a coal - or gas-fired power plant, then there are still carbon emissions from that vehicle's use.
So if gas-fired power stations are built instead of coal-fired ones, the cheap gas bonanza will help control global warming.
But roughly half of the 1,600 gas-fired power plants in the United States operate at the lowest end of the efficiency spectrum.
But roughly half of the 1, 600 gas-fired power plants in the United States operate at the lowest end of the efficiency spectrum.
Meanwhile, the design method of the gas-fired boiler was explored, and the construction parameters of each part were calculated.
Planning aside, nuclear plants can be hard to finance, since they cost more and take longer to build than coal - or gas-fired units.
But nuclear power plants do not release greenhouse gases, which cause coal and gas-fired power plants to contribute to global warming.
They can also be used to power warships, merchant ships and oil tankers, or to generate electricity in small gas-fired power stations.
Windmills may cost more to build, the logic runs, but they do not require the purchase of fuel, unlike coal - or gas-fired power plants.
Efficient solar-thermal plants can in principle be built on the same sort of scale as gas-fired power stations, a few hundred megawatts at a time.
Next is the cost of as much as $10 billion and five years to build each reactor, compared with about $1 billion for a natural gas-fired power plant.
Yet thanks to the stability that he has brought, and even more to oil-and-gas-fired growth, Mr Putin remains extremely popular with ordinary Russians.
Analyses the causes of smoke condensation and corrosion in gas-fired hot water boilers. Points out preventing measures in boiler design and operation.
The researchers also suggest that the intermittency of wind power could require significant and costly backup options, such as natural gas-fired power plants.
Zoellick visited two projects that have been created to reach that goal: the Azito gas-fired station in Abidjan and the Bumbuna hydroelectric dam in Sierra Leone.
Other fossil fuels produce more carbon dioxide, so replacing Britain's coal-fired power stations with gas-fired ones would decrease the country's carbon emissions.
All four big German operators are working hard to replace their nuclear capacity (about a quarter of their combined total) with renewable power or gas-fired plants.
All four big German operators are working hard to replace their nuclear capacity (about a quarter of their combined total) with renewable power or gas-fired plants.