The volume of the sound _ (7) _ the exit speed of the gas and content of the gas bubble.
In the previous gas bubble row measures taken already cannot make home games to yield jade reservoirs.
The anodic overvoltage and producing gas bubble law on the anodic surface were studied by electrochemical methods.
Another popular pulse suppression arrangement involves a gas bubble trap as described in the final sentences of para 12.
Based on the gas re-solution and releasing physical procedure, the models of gas bubble and cavitation volumes are developed.
In the dissertation, VOF numerical method was used to study the gas bubble and gas slug break-up process in vertical entrance microchannel.
The pressure drop calculation method obtained from above results can be used to accurately determine the pressure loss of two-phase gas bubble flow.
In addition, the characteristics of the whipping response of a real ship subjected to the gas bubble impulsive pressure of underwater explosion was analysed.
Dam sluice is one of the main factors that can result in Dissolved gas Supersaturation which can cause gas bubble disease and bring threat to aquatic organisms.
The average pore size calculated by the above - mentioned way differs from that calculated by conventional gas bubble method, and the result has been dis-cussed.
The motions, deformation and heat transfer characteristic of a rising gas bubble through the liquid in a vertical channel are numerically predicted in this paper.
It is based on the physical model of exhausted gas bubble and numerically simulates the entire flow field by coupling calculation of the water field and gas field.
The main structures in floating products are carbon nano-onions and irregular polygon particles, and they grew from isotropic carbon particles near gas bubble wall.
Based on the technology of rotating impeller DE gassing in aluminum alloy melt, the effect of pulse gas current on the gas bubble size by studied with the water modeling method.
During the steady arc discharge course, liquid is heated up by the hot arc plasma, so a gas bubble is formed around the arc column and affords a gaseous environment for arc discharge.
The effect of gas bubble size, injection rate and blowing time on removal of hydrogen and inclusion in liquid steel during refining has been studied and analyzed by theory calculation.
A new temperature adjustment formula and initial formula based on Antoine equation are proposed in this paper. It makes the calculation of natural gas bubble and dew point quick and correct.
The process blasted out material to form the bubble structure of glowing gas against denser material in a surrounding molecular cloud.
Such "chorus waves" form in a region of space that lies just above the plasmasphere, a section of Earth's protective magnetic bubble filled with plasma, or electrically charged gas.
Both beer and shampoo have polar molecules that accumulate at a liquid-gas interface, but the mechanisms that prevent bubble collapse in soap foams or pilsner heads are fundamentally different.
When competitors were spending enormous sums to build up oil-and-gas reserves during last year's bubble in oil prices, ExxonMobil stayed focused on increasing profit margins.
Other research shows that frozen methane (a potent greenhouse gas) may bubble up out of the melting Siberian permafrost in volumes that would raise global temperatures by several degrees.
This arrangement makes it possible to bubble the exhaust gas down through the outer compartment and then bubble it back up through the opaque middle.
The liquid in the pipeline under certain conditions and partially vaporizes into gas state, bubble, formation of gas-liquid two-phase flow which is the process of flash.
As opposed to gas-liquid systems, there is an interchange of gas between bubble and continuous phase in fluidized beds.
When the exhaust valve is closed, the gas with the bubble oscillation reduces, causing the bubble impulse lower the pressure impulse obviously.
The water vapor evaporation and condensation at the bubble wall and the water vapor diffusion versus the noble gas inside the bubble are also considered.
For the same water depth and same aperture, the gas flow was the major factor for effecting the bubble size and velocity.
Chemical bubbling method is adding bubbling agent into raw material, making the agent reacting with the materials to produce gas and therefore forming small bubble in the brick.
Chemical bubbling method is adding bubbling agent into raw material, making the agent reacting with the materials to produce gas and therefore forming small bubble in the brick.