The pressure and temperature conditions at which the first bubble of gas comes out of solution in oil. At discovery, all petroleum reservoir oils contain some natural gas in solution.
Dependence on foreign oil and gas simply is not the best solution any more - not in America, not in Europe, not anywhere.
Seven years ago his father, Robert, produced a diamond in a high-pressure chamber of carbon gas and dropped it into an acid solution to clean it off.
And molecules in an ideal solution, an ideal solvent, are not very different than molecules in an ideal gas.
And of course that is consistent with what you would expect. If you say let's measure the configurational energy of a bunch of molecules in a liquid solution, or molecules in a gas floating around.
Let's do a little detour here and talk about equilibrium in solution, which is really as important, or if not important for a lot of you, then gas phase equilibrium.
The company implies Oregon OSHA is focusing on formaldehyde solution in the bottle, but what's important is any formaldehyde gas that escapes into the air.
So the CS2 molecules would rather escape what would normally be a Raoult's law type of solution to go in the gas phase away from being close to the acetone.
It's kind of like considering the molecules in the solution to act like an ideal gas.
The dissertation is devoted to the study of the conformation and properties of amino acids in gas phase and solution.
The SCADA technique which is used in the solution of urban gas network's control and scheduling management automation and system main functions is introduced.
The critical gas saturation is defined by using growth process of gas bubbles in order to understand the mechanism of solution gas drive process.
Hydrophobically associating polymer solution has special shearing resistance performance because of introduced associating base group, so there is a wide application prospect in oil gas exploitation.
The application of GDMS was reviewed in the aspects of the bulk metal, semiconductor, nonconductor, solution, gas and depth analysis.
This subject deals primarily with equilibrium properties of macroscopic systems, basic thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium of reactions in gas and solution phase, and rates of chemical reactions.
Adsorption: Capability of a solid substance (adsorbent) to attract to its surface molecules of a gas or solution (adsorbate) with which it is in contact.
In order to get better products, the evaporation crystallization process of ammonium sulfate solution made by coke oven gas absorption was studied systematically both in experiment and theory.
A solvent flotation-gas chromatography for the determination of sodium stearate in sodium aluminate solution in aluminium hydroxide production by the bayer process was studied.
In the study of exploitation conditions of seam gas, we have to solve the problem of structure first, moreover the core of the solution of tectonic problem is the study on tectonic mechanism.
In addition, ABB has supplied an energy-efficient all-electric variable speed drive solution to power and control the gas compressors at the Nyhamna onshore processing plant.
But the phenomenon of degradation of amin solution and equipment corrosion happened during H2S recover for acid waste gas by MDEA, in one plan of our country.
The Ohm's Law in solution considering the gas and liquid distribution in porous electrodes is given.
It was proved that high Speed Assist Submersed Gas-jetting EDM Milling is an effective solution to solve high short circuit ratio problem of EDM in gas, and reveals good machining performance.
This paper gives a theoretical and analytical solution of the dynamic response for long gas pipeline in the form of infinite series with Bessel functions.
According to geologic model of unsteady groundwater flow in heterogeneous medium and adopting the finite difference solution, the direction and strength of oil gas migration can be quantified.
The basic principle of membrane fouling in separation of volatile substances in water solution by gas filled membrane absorption process is presented.
The process featured using the negative pressure of Venturi tube to continuously absorb the chlorine gas generated in electrolysis and continuously produce sodium hypochlorite solution.
Therefore, this paper introduces a linearized function in light of the flow conditions of natural gas and obtains an analytic solution through solving nonlinear equations.
The simulation is developed by using cross flow mathematical model and solution-diffusion model for natural gas separation process in spiral-wound membrane modul.
The simulation is developed by using cross flow mathematical model and solution-diffusion model for natural gas separation process in spiral-wound membrane modul.