The overall gas phase composition also determines the concentration of the growth species.
So I can draw a diagram that looks just like this except now with the X-axis being the gas phase composition.
What's the composition of liquid, compared to the composition of the gas phase?
I'm on this point here, I keep my solution, my mixture. I make a gas, I read off the composition of the gas phase here.
Because really what we want is the total pressure as a function of the composition in the gas phase.
If I'm sitting below the line here somewhere, so I'm sitting here. Some composition in the gas phase, a certain pressure.
And I know that should tell me immediately whether the composition in the gas phase is here.
Also if you want to calculate chemical equilibria in the liquid and gas phase, of course, now you've seen chemical equilibrium, so the amount of reaction depends on the composition.
We started out with four variables; the temperature, the pressure, and the components in the composition in the liquid phase and the composition in the gas phase.
But now, it's not as a function of the composition at the liquid phase it's a function of the composition in the gas phase.
So I'm going to find the total pressure as a function of the composition in the gas phase.
So I have all, I have everything I need to know t o calculate what the composition in the gas phase is.
We've found composition in the gas phase in terms of composition in the liquid phase.
So I've gotten the composition in the gas phase in terms of the composition in the liquid phase.
And I can invert this to get the composition in the liquid phase in terms of the composition in the gas phase it's not so straightforward, but you can get xA as a function of yA, as well.
A calculation method of gas liquid solid three phase equilibrium is presented based on the characteristics of composition and phase behavior of an oil and gas system.
Study on interfacial tension, composition, density, viscosity and saturation of gas pha - se and liquid phase front in the slim tube under various injection pressures and injection rate.
Phase behavior experiment and full composition simulation analysis of condensate gas is the key of producing condensate fields rationally and enhancing condensate recovery.
The liquid product from gas-phase amination of 2, 6-diisopropyl phenol was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and the composition of the product was determined.
对2,6 -二异丙基苯酚气相胺化反应的液相产品进行了气相色谱-质谱分析,确定了产物组成。
The liquid product from gas-phase amination of 2, 6-diisopropyl phenol was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and the composition of the product was determined.
对2,6 -二异丙基苯酚气相胺化反应的液相产品进行了气相色谱-质谱分析,确定了产物组成。