However, the current research and design on compact natural gas reformer are still focused on the materials, and few studies on mechanism have been conducted.
The hot exit gas from the reformer enters the refractory-lined inlet chamber.
The refinery coker dry gas is treated with the dry gas plant, then sent into the Primary reformer to substitute for a part of naphtha as the feed for ammonia production.
Structure of several types of gas mixer for secondary reformer are described in the paper. It can be used as a reference in the revamping of ammonia and synthesis gas plant.
Presents the baking of the combustion gas turbine flue and Primary reformer air chute of the second stage ammonia plant in CNOOC Fudao Chemical co., Ltd., explains and summarizes the baking process.
Presents the baking of the combustion gas turbine flue and Primary reformer air chute of the second stage ammonia plant in CNOOC Fudao Chemical co., Ltd., explains and summarizes the baking process.