Gasoline in America is relatively inexpensive. And so it's still a lot cheaper to buy a gas-powered car than an electric.
The first of BYD's electric cars, the F3DM, is more of a purely electric car than the gasoline-electric hybrids on the road today.
Fuel costs for an electric car (electricity) should be at least one-third the fuel costs of a comparably-sized gasoline-powered car.
An electric motor replaces the gasoline engine and a 16.5 kilowatt-hour battery system, made by Tesla Motors, is in the mid-section of the car.
The paper researches oil and electric circuit inspection adjustment technology of gasoline motor car being used at present, and checks its achievements, it has definite value.
The Prius, the world's first mass-produced gasoline-electric hybrid car, first went on sale in Japan in late 1997 and in other markets in 2000.
Instead of a roaring, super-charged, high-octane-gasoline guzzler 3 and air polluter it is an all-wheel drive electric car that can reach 96.5 kilometers an hour in just 2.5 seconds.
Instead of a roaring, super-charged, high-octane-gasoline guzzler 3 and air polluter it is an all-wheel drive electric car that can reach 96.5 kilometers an hour in just 2.5 seconds.