The accident also caused the gasoline tank of the car to explode, causing burns over 65% of his body.
The CAD modeling data of a motorcycle gasoline tank is constructed. And the CAD data can satisfy the demands of the enterprise.
But most people don t attach more importance to the study on how to make full use of fuel vapor in the gasoline tank and decrease the pollution.
It is considered that if the protective coating applies to the floating roof, the structure will be an ideal selection for the stabilized gasoline tank.
Based on the above results, with the normal conditions and the same volume of tanks, the fuel evaporative pollutants control system of gasoline tank is basically fit for the methanol fuel tank.
Some people may wince at the idea of paying top dollar for a full tank of gas, but you actually save a lot more gasoline if you spare the extra money to load a full tank.
Although the diesel fuel in his tank was less volatile than gasoline, his cab was made of fiberglass.
Perhaps it would be better if gas station attendants filled the tank for us, as they used to, so we did not stand at the pump watching the rising price of our gasoline.
The tank overflowed a little and Thomas hung up the hose and put on the cap and wiped away the splash of gasoline on the rear fender.
This system traps the gasoline vapor escaping from the fuel tank and carburetor.
We sometimes forget that self-confidence is like gasoline in the fuel tank. It requires topping up on a regular basis.
This system traps the gasoline vapor excaping from the fuel tank and carburetor.
In order to validate the theoretical results, the result was compared with the experimental data of gasoline and diesel oil tank fires, and the agreement is found to be good.
The utility model has simple structure and reliable operation, and is capable of preventing the waste caused by volatilization of gasoline in the oil tank.
In order to validate the theoretical solutions, it was compared with the experimental data of gasoline and diesel oil tank fires, and a good agreement is obtained.
Many of the gas stations, especially in Nassau, there's gasoline in the tank in the ground but there's no power to run the pump. And that's been the problem.
Or, what better way is there to sell gasoline than to say that using it is like putting a tiger in your tank.
或者,在销售汽油时,最好的方法就是说,使用这种汽油如同puttinga tigerin your tank(在油箱中放置一只老虎)。
The new fuel providing device is designed for hand-start gasoline generating set to settle the low position of the fuel tank or bad fuel providing device when the fuel pressure is low.
With the fuel tank in the DeLorean empty and gasoline unavailable, he devises a scheme to use a locomotive to push the DeLorean up to speed.
As US gasoline prices hit records on almost a daily basis, an increasing number of motorists are following a radical driving technique designed to eke out every last mile from a tank of fuel.
How to determine the hazard scope of inflammables and explosives, gasoline, diesel oil and LPG storage tank. in EPA was introduced in this article by an example.
How to determine the hazard scope of inflammables and explosives, gasoline, diesel oil and LPG storage tank. in EPA was introduced in this article by an example.