With respect to the incident laser beam with Gaussian intensity, the possibility of controlling the line focus profile by active optics system is discussed.
Conditions by which a circular symmetrical focussed spot can be obtained when the incident laser beam is an elliptical Gaussian profile are determined.
When the initial power is equal to the critical power and light beam is incident at the beam waist, the elliptical Hermite-Gaussian spatial optical soliton is obtained.
The profile of transmitted Gaussian beam varies with the change of incident angle and air-gap thickness.
It is found that the loss in the crystal can make a mismatched incident Gaussian beam evolve to a matched one, and then become to a steady-state bright soliton.
Directly calculating expression of angular shift of a Gaussian beam reflected by absorbing medium interface is given, which can be applied to any incident Angle and does not diverge at Brewster Angle.
Compared with the plane wave incidence, when the Gaussian beam is incident, the center electric magnitude is smaller, but the diffraction efficiency is higher.
Compared with the plane wave incidence, when the Gaussian beam is incident, the center electric magnitude is smaller, but the diffraction efficiency is higher.