There will be other advances in gene therapy in 2009.
The strongest hope lies in a potential "cure" based on gene therapy, it says.
This spring, Bennett and her colleagues hope to continue to test the LCA gene therapy in both eyes of younger patients.
Although thousands of patients have received gene therapy for a variety of conditions, only a few have shown any clinical benefit.
More importantly, though, it adds to the rather small number of human successes with gene therapy.
He will continue to run his Salk Institute lab where he studies gene therapy, cancer genetics, and inflammation.
The genetic component is essentially a write-off - there's precious little we can do about this until gene therapy or some equivalent lets us adjust our pre-set happiness levels.
The map could help scientists re-engineer the virus for gene therapy, as well as to create possible treatments for cancer and other ailments.
The researchers have begun clinical trials to test the gene therapy as a treatment for a rare form of childhood blindness.
Two squirrel monkeys that were colour-blind from birth have had their vision restored after receiving gene therapy.
Commercial USES for mathematical workstations are vast: from basic engineering to designer drugs and from gene therapy to celestial navigation, mathematics rules the world.
According to a report published online in the journal Nature, researchers have used gene therapy to allow color-blind squirrel monkeys to look at their fruit in a whole new light.
Work has now begun to find out whether gene therapy could provide a long-lasting treatment for AMD.
"It is way into the future and it is not something that is available now but gene therapy offers a potential avenue to dealing with the HIV epidemic," he said.
Gene therapy has been plagued with problems-naivety, false promises, over-optimism and fatalities.
With a slight redesign, the drug might work for hundreds of diseases, fulfilling the promise that wonder cures like stem cells and gene therapy have failed to deliver.
For decades, science fiction has been alerting us to the wonders and perils of our biotech future-from the prospects of gene therapy to the pitfalls of biological warfare.
He is a veteran of the last revolution in medical technology, gene therapy, which, after some hyped expectations in the 1990s, fell into disfavor after some unsuccessful trials.
For example, in a gene therapy trial for X-SCID - or "bubble-boy" disease - inserting a gene in the wrong place triggered cancer in some of the recipients.
Given the pace of progress on these and other fronts, gene therapy is at last ready to mature from a soundbite into sound clinical practice.
Partly thanks to work in the eye, gene therapy is seeing something of a Renaissance.
Why aren't genetic diseases routinely treatable with gene therapy?
As a result AMD has been the focus of several high-tech approaches, ranging from RNA interference to gene therapy and stem cells.
But a new approach, detailed this week in the new journal Science Translational Medicine, describes a novel gene therapy that can repair these damaged lungs-and make them available for transplant.
Despite the slow progress, Dr High says she is optimistic about the future of gene therapy.
TMAdV's rarity in humans could make it a potentially powerful tool as a viral vehicle for delivering gene therapy, Chiu adds.
TMAdV's rarity in humans could make it a potentially powerful tool as a viral vehicle for delivering gene therapy, Chiu adds.