DNA sequence analysis showed that the nucleotide sequence of T7 lysozyme gene was 99.5% homologous with the reported sequence and its deduced amino acid sequence was the same as reported.
Results the nucleotide sequence of the cloned SEB gene was the same as that of reported in Genebank.
The human gene, an important strategic resource, is an array of specific sequence of nucleotide acid in the human body.
The sequence analysis determined that the CP gene of Kuerle pear isolation comprised 582 nucleotides and encoded 193 amino acids containing consensus of nucleotide binding motif.
All members of CHS gene family in this study had high sequence similarity, more than 90% among the members in the same subfamily and more than 78% among different subfamilies at nucleotide level.
所有这些CHS成员具有很高的同源性:在核苷酸水平上同一亚家族内基本上高于90 %,不同亚家族间也在78%以上。
Gene sequencing is considered to be the golden standard for HLA typing, which can obtain exact nucleotide sequence.
Bioinformatic methods were employed to analyze the homology of the nucleotide and amino acids sequence of beta subunit gene and its possible protein domain and transmembrane topology.
The positive recombinant plasmid was identified by PCR, enzyme digestion. The nucleotide sequence of CSP3 'ending gene was determined by the dideoxy chain termination method.
The positive recombinant plasmid was identified by PCR, enzyme digestion. The nucleotide sequence of CSP3 'ending gene was determined by the dideoxy chain termination method.