This technique is most often performed under a general anesthetic but in certain situations may be done under local anesthesia with sedation or spinal anesthesia.
Similar topical anesthetic creams are compounded by the other firms, and today's action serves as a general warning to firms that produce standardized versions of these creams.
When may patients operate a motor vehicle after receiving a general anesthetic?
Patients who express fear about losing consciousness or the loss of control associated with a general anesthetic may prefer a regional technique.
As the general and local conditions of the patient were quite serious, the anesthetic method used was different from that used in the repair of uncomplicated radiation ulcers.
In the operating room, a local or general anesthetic can be used and surgery can be done on an outpatient basis.
Objective To choose suitable monitoring index and general anesthetic blood concentration for median nerve somatosensory evoked potential(MnSSEP)during operation.
Objective To evaluate the surface anesthetic effect of compound lidocaine cream-coated laryngeal mask airway(LMA) in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy(LC) and general anesthesia.
Conclusion Propofol administered for general anesthesia is effective in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting, and can shorten the time of anesthetic recovery markedly.
Conclusion: the anesthetic effects of propofol injection by injection pump in artificial abortion is better than by general syringe.
The observation group was treated with sevoflurane and the control group was treated with isoflurane for general anesthesia; Anesthetic effects in surgery and patient recovery time were compared.
The observation group was treated with sevoflurane and the control group was treated with isoflurane for general anesthesia; Anesthetic effects in surgery and patient recovery time were compared.