I was soon in the little general store that served our farming community.
In addition to general text data, XML can also be used to store binary data through a special set of tags known as CDATA.
Now, in the general scheme of things, 3% May seem like a small number, but that means that nearly 1,500 games have been developed and made it into the App Store using their tool.
Now, in the general scheme of things, 3% May seem like a small number, but that means that nearly 1, 500 games have been developed and made it into the App Store using their tool.
Medium store: 25 General Agents, 30 MBean per GA, 60 events per minute per GA, 10 method invocations per minute per GA.
Small store: 2 General Agents, 30 MBean per GA, 60 events per minute per GA, 10 method invocations per minute per GA.
小型商店:2 个普通代理,每个普通代理30 个Mbean,每个普通代理每分钟60 个事件,每个普通代理每分钟10 个方法调用。
That estimate does not include recent casualties, such as Woolworths, a big general store, MFI, a furniture chain, and Adams, a children’s clothing shop.
And Cydia is like the general store that has everything you want and need, from fresh cuts of meat to those homemade cookies you can't get anywhere else.
The sample application we migrated from Tomcat V6.0.x to Community Edition V2.1 is a general store application that uses the following components
我们从TomcatV6.0.x 迁移到CommunityEdition V2.1的示例应用程序是使用了以下组件的通用商店应用程序
In this section, we discuss the basic IBM SONAS configuration and see how we can use IBM SONAS as a back-end store for UNIX systems in general and AIX in particular.
If you want to store all historical amounts on a fixed period, you can define this period and actuality in the general configuration, Conversion TAB.
Wladimir's post goes over general setup, forward compatibility, records, store, and hooking everything together.
One hot afternoon, they met in the doorway of the general store in the nearest town.
Another is to move spending from general advertising to in-store promotions.
In general, smaller tables provide higher performance, but you must be able to store your data in the resulting table.
The magazine's branding executives have also carefully selected what stores can carry it, and not just any supermarket or general merchandise store will suffice.
In general plant growth and consequently the amount of carbon plants store increased in the Northern Hemisphere and decreased in the Southern Hemisphere.
There were also gifts from local benefactors including a scholarship grant for the child's study, and a livelihood package to enable the parents to start a general store.
You're also committing to a particular online e-book store, since in general, each company's e-books don't work on other companies' readers.
This support is significantly more advanced than HTML cookies that allow an application to store only String-name value pairs and limit even those to a general restriction of four KBs per Web site.
这种支持要比HTMLcookie先进得多,HTML cookie仅允许应用程序存储字符串名称值对,并且每个Web站点仅能存储4 k b名称值对。
GetJar has been in the business of offering apps to consumers since 2005, well before Apple, and helped to pioneer the model that the general public understands as an app store today.
And in general they hate Apple's restrictive policies for the App Store (which I don't like either).
The General Store application used in this article has a valid geronimo-web-xml file included in the ShoppinStore_WASCE.war file.
本文中使用的General Store应用程序在ShoppinStore_WASCE . war文件中包括了有效的geronimo - web - xml文件。
That's what Richard Dickson, Barbie's general manager said ahead of opening a 6-floor flagship store in downtown Shanghai.
Market -gather picnic supplies at Market, the Carneros Inn's upscale general store. Market offers gourmet sandwiches and salads, beer and wine, coffee, and personalized picnic baskets.
Then I set out for the general store in the village to get advice about feeding them.
Individuals could simply purchase food and clothing and household items, often, until very recently, at the same general store.
The daily turnover at Laofengxiang City God Temple store was close to 800,000 yuan (US$100,000) last weekend, setting a new record for the store, general manager Li Fuying said.
老凤祥城隍庙金铺的总经理李福迎(音)说,上周末它们店铺的日交易额接近800 000元(100 000美元),创下该店交易额的历史纪录。
To be able to survive, small businesses have to accommodate the needs of the local community, said the owner of the Teaneck General store.
One of the tables at the Tanker General store is no longer unreachable.