The first general-purpose computer, the nearly 30-ton ENIAC (1947), contains 18,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors and 10,000 capacitors.
The ability to store and execute instructions, the stored program concept, is the most important property of a general-purpose computer.
A generalized structure of steam systems and the auto-modelling technique are proposed, complying with the requirements of compiling a general-purpose computer program.
In 1946, the world was introduced to history's first general-purpose electronic computer: ENIAC, nicknamed the "Giant Brain."
A general - purpose computer that communicates with the target via a serial port or network connection.
We were both wondering, you have this general purpose computer next to your ear why were you not able to make that sale?
This article deals with some problems which occur during implementing two-dimensional FFT with the general-purpose digital computer.
The YH-ITM intelligent tool machine is an RISC-based general-purpose intelligent computer system which supports several AI languages and the traditional c.
智能工具机YH - ITM是一个基于RISC、支持多种人工智能语言和传统C语言的通用智能计算机系统。
A software which takes a standard software product and ADAPTS it to a particular user, as contrasted with software that takes a general purpose computer and ADAPTS it to a particular task.
In this paper, the reliability of a large scale general purpose computer system (151-3/4) is analyzed in detail.
Thus, in contrast to the microprocessors used in personal computer and other high-performance or general purpose applications, simplicity is emphasized.
Computer networks are built primarily from general-purpose programmable hardware, and they are not optimized from application like making calls or delivering television signals.
Computer networks are built primarily from general-purpose programmable hardware, and they are not optimized from application like making calls or delivering television signals.