Methods: A total of 30 shift nurses of psychiatric department and 32 shift nurses from general department were investigated by adopting SCL-90 and fatigue scale-14 (FS-14).
You can see that since the calculating expressions are different in the sales department and general department, their salaries are calculated automatically according to their own expressions.
Companies within the General Department, the Marketing Department, the Finance Department, the General Department of the Ministry of Security, Ministry of Food, Rooms Ministry of management services.
In fact, it's gotten to the point where CTOs and CEOs are talking about SOA as a general strategy for running their entire it department.
If you're unsure of the effects a certain change will have on your department in general or your role in particular, talk about the transition with your supervisor.
The health Department docks points based on three types of violations: a public health hazard, a critical violation, and a general violation.
The GeneralInfoPanel will be used for entering general information such as the name, social security number, department, and rank of the employee.
And Vladimir Rubanov, a three-star general who ran the old KGB's analytical department, told NEWSWEEK that "the KGB always had its special power in Abkhazia."
The Homeland Security Department still has problems handling classified top secret intelligence information, according to a new report from the department’s Office of the Inspector General.
The projects his department has been overseeing aspire to improve the general quality of street life and, in a few cases, tip the balance in neglected corners of the city.
He said he had named Michael r. Bromwich, a former Justice Department prosecutor and inspector general, to restructure the agency to make it a tougher regulator.
It is, of course, impossible to say what would have happened had the Justice Department and 19 state attorneys general not taken Microsoft to court in 1998.
R: No, that's the job of the General Ledger department.that's the department that is the central bookkeeper for the bank.
The Office of the Inspector General in its parent department, Health and Human Services, said in June that the agency is performing erratically in policing recalls of imported foods.
Two or three times the Minister of War and the general in command of the department wrote to him with the following address: A Monsieur le Commandant Pontmercy.
General data is entered by the department which first creates the customer master record for a customer.
He became deputy to the head of Yeltsin \ 's general-affairs department.
He became deputy to the head of Yeltsin's general-affairs department.
Director General of the Information Department Liu Jianchao hosted the briefing.
Deputy Director-General Liu Jianchao of the Information Department hosted the briefing.
Deputy Director General Liu Jianchao of the Information Department of Chinese Foreign Ministry hosted the briefing.
"This will probably have repercussions for vascular disease in general," said Schweitzer, of McGill's Department of Medicine.
His department places two or three forensic psychiatry fellows at St. Elizabeths, which also serves as a forensic training site for general psychiatry residents.
The quality object of each department should be measurable and keep consistent with the general quality object and quality guideline.
"Presentation of highlights of World Food Day activities in selected FAO member countries" by Ms. Carleen Gardner, Assistant Director-General, Department of General Affairs and Information.
Luo Ping’en was appointed the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Civil Affairs (with probation of one year). (2010.07.12)
However, where that same product is also sold in department stores and marketed for general use, further evaluation would be necessary.
Gao Dongshan was appointed Deputy Director-General of the Housing and Construction Department of Hunan Province. (2009.09.09).
Wang Hangzeng was appointed Deputy Director-General of the Finance Department of Jiangsu Province, one year's probation. (2009.08.27).
Wang Hangzeng was appointed Deputy Director-General of the Finance Department of Jiangsu Province, one year's probation. (2009.08.27).