What is being called artificial general intelligence, machines that would imitate the way humans think, continues to evade scientists.
As a passionate musician, Schellenberg was delighted when he turned up credible evidence that music has transfer effects on general intelligence.
AI is often called artificial general intelligence.
“AI”,通常也被称作 “通用人工智能(artificial general intelligence)”。
The promise and danger of true AGI (artificial general intelligence) are great.
Internationally, "giftedness" is most frequently determined by a score on a general intelligence test, known as an IQ test, which is above a chosen cutoff point, usually at around the top 2-5%.
It is difficult to predict how long it will take to develop human-level artificial general intelligence.
The verbal test was done because language and maths abilities are thought to be linked through general intelligence.
Of course, these valuable skills have little or anything to do with general intelligence or abstract reasoning or critical thinking.
The kind of intelligence Kurzweil is talking about, which is called strong AI or artificial general intelligence, doesn't exist yet.
Unconscious patients and the general intelligence of the obstacles and organic changes, mostly in the incidence of 16 to 40 years.
患者一般无意识和智能方面的障碍和器质性改变,多在16 ~40岁发病。
General intelligence consists of at least three elements besides I. Q. : an extensive vocabulary, and good reading and writing skills.
But until now, research ers had considered general intelligence too basic to be affected by such relatively small neural adjustments. Dr.
The general intelligence consists of at least three elements besides I. Q. : an extensive vocabulary and good reading and writing skills.
General intelligence is the ability to think about ideas, analyze situations, and solve problems. It is measured through various types of intelligence tests.
Consistently, the group members who spoke up the most were rated the highest for such qualities as "general intelligence" and "dependable and self-disciplined."
The finding suggested that no single structure in the brain determines general intelligence and that different types of brain designs can produce equivalent intellectual performance.
There is some debate, however, as to whether results on individual tests of specific abilities may be more helpful than results on tests of broader factors, like general intelligence.
In a provocative new paper, Hambrick suggests working memory capacity — which is closely related to general intelligence — may sometimes be the deciding factor between good and great.
The concept of"chunk"was proposed in the science of cognitive psychology, which was later applied in the field of information processing theory and systems of general intelligence.
When I had started exercising, my organisational skills, problem solving skills and general intelligence had substantially improved. I was no longer absent-minded, lazy and stressed.
That is to say, In general, children's general intelligence or general cognitive ability has nothing to do with the gene (FOXP2) . The one or two differences have no credibility in a way.
But a more profound objection relates to Thornhill's obdurate belief that IQ is a true measure of "crystallised general intelligence" rather than just a measure of ability to perform in IQ tests.
General intelligence. This is essential for outstanding achievement because it involves your natural ability to comprehend difficult concepts quickly and to analyze them clearly and incisively.
A general intelligence development system for fuzzy controller (FCIDS) is presented with object-oriented design idea and programming technology, whose developing environment is Delphi for Windows.
Regardless of the reason for the association, the new evidence suggests that the association between physical attractiveness and general intelligence may be much stronger than we previously thought.
The Homeland Security Department still has problems handling classified top secret intelligence information, according to a new report from the department’s Office of the Inspector General.
Last week, South Korea's intelligence agency arrested one of its own former agents, a two-star army general, for handing over classified information.
Detention facilities, General McChrystal will recommend, should be more humane-and better intelligence gathered from them.
Last week, South Korea's intelligence agency arrested one of its own former agents, as well as an active two-star army general, for handing over classified information.
Last week, South Korea's intelligence agency arrested one of its own former agents, as well as an active two-star army general, for handing over classified information.