This is an unofficial translation of the GNU Lesser General Public License into Chinese.
On June 29th, the Free Software Foundation unveiled version 3 of the GNU General Public license (GPL).
月29 日,自由软件基金会抛出了其所谓通用公共许可证 (GPL)的第 3版。
It is distributed under the GNU General Public License and runs on Linux as well as other UNIX variants.
Some other Free software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.
The GNU General Public license and other copyleft licenses use copyright law to defend freedom for every user.
OsCommerce is absolutely free under the GNU General Public License and caters very well to most people's needs.
RMS: The basic idea of the GNU General Public License is to assure that all users of the code have the four freedoms.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time.
TheLinux kernel is released under the GNU General Public License version 2(GPLv2) and developed by contributors worldwide;
Free software is a kind of software which defined by the Free software Foundation, and is covered by GNU General Public License.
The framework is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public license and is standard part of the Linux kernel since Linux 2.6...
这个框架由GNU General Public License条款授权使用,并且是Linux 2.6之后的Linux内核的标准部分。
Blender: Blender is the free open source 3d content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.
Blender: Blender是免费开源的3d制作套装,适用于所有主流操作系统,使用GNU通用公共许可证授权。
Stow is free software licensed under the GNU GPL (General Public license), and flexible, customizable with ample user support and resources available.
Stow是遵循gnuGPL(通用公共许可证,General Public License)的免费软件,它灵活并且可以用充足的用户支持和可用资源进行定制。
The Linux kernel is developed and distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which means that its source code is freely available to anyone.
Since January 2006, the biggest debate in the open source software licensing arena has surrounded the creation of the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3.
自从2006年1月以来,开源软件许可领域中有史以来最大的争论一直围绕着GNUGeneral Public License (GPL) v3的制定。
The Linux kernel and most Linux software is released under the General Public License (GPL), which requires the release of the source for all modified codes.
Linux内核和大多数 Linux软件的发行都符合通用公共许可 (GPL),该许可需要发行所有经过修改的源代码。
By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software — to make sure the software is free for all its users.
For the most part, we were fine. However, we were using FFmpeg with linked libraries, which meant that the GPL was in force instead of the Lesser General Public License (LGPL).
就大部分的情况来说,我们还不错,然而,我们使用了FFmpeg的链接库,这意味着生效的是GPL协议而不是宽松的通用公共许可(Lesser General Public License, LGPL)。
It is also licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public license, which means it is freely available, along with the source code, for use on any Unix-based operating system.
它也是遵循gnuGeneral Public License,这也意味着对于任何Unix操作系统的用户,包括它的源代码都是自由可用的。
Fish is an open source project created by Axel Liljencrantz and licensed under the GNU General Public license, version 2. As of this writing, the latest version of fish is 1.23.0.
fish是由Axel Liljencrantz创建的一个开放源码项目,采用的许可协议是GNUGeneral Public License,version2。
This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License.
I initially found an entry about this library on the internet tablet talk site, where the author posted sample code under a GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3 open source license.
我最初是在internettablettalk网站 上找到了关于这个库的条目,作者在这个网站上采用 GNULesserGeneral Public License (LGPL)version3开放源码许可协议发布了示例代码。
Renegade: In other words, you don't need to donate it back by offering your derivative work under the same license, as you do with GPL [General Public License] and to a lesser extent with the LGPL.
Renegade:换句话说,不需要通过提供同一许可下的衍生作品而进行回报,就像使用GPL [通用公共许可] 以及 LGPL 一样。
Renegade: In other words, you don't need to donate it back by offering your derivative work under the same license, as you do with GPL [General Public License] and to a lesser extent with the LGPL.
Renegade:换句话说,不需要通过提供同一许可下的衍生作品而进行回报,就像使用GPL [通用公共许可] 以及 LGPL 一样。