The general solution of ontology heterogeneity is ontology mapping.
Try as he might, he was unable to find a general solution without using exponential resources.
Boundary conditions are used to determine the integral constants in the general solution.
A general solution is to add the spatial information to the object function of fuzzy C-means.
通常的做法是在原来模糊c -均值聚类的目标函数中加入空间信息惩罚项。
Least-squares problem of the real matrices is discussed and the expression of general solution is given.
The general solution of the best answer to the assignment problem through more than one efficiency matrix.
In this paper first a new definition called "general solution matrix" is given, then two theorems are proved.
A general solution of multiple scattered waves in solids based on wave equations of heat conduction is given.
A general solution for stress distribution around rectangle holes in anisotropic elastic plates is presented.
Designs: Written documents that describe a general solution to a design problem that recurs repeatedly in many projects.
The general solution for plane strain problems in decagonal quasicrystals accounting for thermal effect is derived.
The general solution has been to spread ever greater money across schooling;what Moran might call the Vegemite approach.
IPSec provides a general solution to the complex combination of media and application mixtures that make up the Internet.
The general solution has been to spread ever greater money across schooling; what Moran might call the Vegemite approach.
The general solution of equations of small oscillation for A_3 model is solved; and the vibration image is discussed.
Using the normal solutions of the governing differential equation, the general solution of a bending beam is obtained.
The general solution of the given equation is consequently the collection of the function that satisfies the equation.
The closed form general solution is a rigorous solution in mathematics. It does not require initial values and iterations.
The general solution for versioning a web service is to create an entirely new web service with new namespaces in new files.
Web服务版本控制的通常方法是在新文件及新命名空间中创建全新的 Web 服务。
The general solution of equations of damped forced oscillation for A2B model is solved and the vibration image is discussed.
导出了A 2 B模型阻尼受迫振动方程组的通解,并讨论其算例和图像。
Results Original integrable results of this problem are generalized and parametric expression of the general solution is given.
This paper gives a general solution of differential equation for solving bending problem of rectangular plates on elastic foundations.
The weighted functions are obtained based on the use of completed systems of general solution of the corresponding homogeneous equations.
This paper generalized and proved a famous geometry theorem, and obtained general solution of Fermat Problem by pure geometric method thereby.
The Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a general solution to utilization, storage, exchange and tracking of digital contents and their rights.
In this paper, a general solution for quasistatic bending of viscoelastic circular (ring) thin plate rested, on viscoelastic foundation is given.
A general solution for the problem above is to have each user thread hold a locale variable by passing the variable to the user thread during its construction.
To the inverse problem of the system of linear algebraic equations, tiauthor gives a symmetric matrix solution and the expression of its general solution.
The general solution for potential flow past irregularities im a pressure conduit can be obtained in auxiliary plane by use of analytic functional theory.
The general solution for potential flow past irregularities im a pressure conduit can be obtained in auxiliary plane by use of analytic functional theory.