There is something to be said for being a generalist, even if you are a specialist.
ARE you a generalist or a specialist?
A statistician has to be something of a generalist.
The study result doesn " t pursuit generalist , but has intense effect ion. ""
研究的结果并不追求普适性, 带有强烈的情感色彩。
The weakest may be picked off by pseudo-specialist features added to generalist search-engines.
Feeding strategy plots showed that both species are generalist feeders with a heterogeneous diet.
Once you bridge each job to the next, make light of the benefits of having a generalist background.
A new classification in the rankings differentiates between generalist universities and specialist institutions.
However much of the publicity and coverage of it in the media has been generalist and can omit important points.
And Microsoft, which lags behind Google and Yahoo! In generalist search, hopes to use vertical search to fight back.
同时在综合搜索领域落后于Google和Yahoo !的微软则希望通过垂直搜索引擎扳回一城。
In 1960 Peugeot changed from being a specialist to a generalist: the production of classic sedans and small models.
Its knowledge about the needs of its users sets it apart from the generalist search-engines, says Angela Hribar of GlobalSpec.
它对其使用者需要的了解将其与多面手搜索引擎分开,GlobalSpec的Angela Hribar说。
The approach I find that works best is to avoid the generalist publications and futurist pundits who talk about big trends.
A future talent will be a compound talent, who is expert at one while good at all others, namely, an expert and generalist.
Sure, it's possible to be an it generalist, but the quickest route to "fame" (and some measure of fortune) is to find yourself a niche.
According to Plomin, these 'generalist' genes can be linked to language and math disorders, and even spatial and memory functions.
In all, becoming a specialist means we master a skill, but becoming a generalist can complete a person and help him to be a better one.
Yet despite all the job hopefuls with generalist backgrounds, employers are increasingly seeking candidates who have specialized expertise.
And you may well understand what they are saying, because enlightenment disciplines are still young and connected enough for a generalist to grasp.
I have found shorthand generally to be avoided, because it requires a deeper familiarity with a language than a generalist programmer would possess.
At the same time, however, similar features and filters are appearing on generalist search-engines, enabling them to act more like vertical engines.
The GPU functions appear to be bolted on to a GPGPU oriented 'generalist' chip, something strongly supported by the die size: performance ratio.
MCEV certainly represents progress, but most generalist investors will still feel like an Italian being spoken to in Spanish rather than Cantonese.
Being a generalist isn't a bad thing, but being a generalist without any discernible specialized skills, abilities, or talents isn't a great thing, either.
There are so many technical aspects to being a 3D generalist, and I've learned that it is better to be methodical about my approach than to rush and skip steps.
There are so many technical aspects to being a 3D generalist, and I've learned that it is better to be methodical about my approach than to rush and skip steps.