I'll walk you through the process of downloading and using the ECS libraries to develop a sample application that can read various log files and generate a status report in HTML format from them.
On a related note, don't forget that you can use the new agent profiling technique in Lotus Domino V7 to generate a log of how long various parts of your Web service take to run.
In order to get StatCVS reports for Jikes, we need to get the latest source code and generate a CVS log file for StatCVS to analyze.
Apache's access log is a good example-heavily used Web servers can generate thousands of log messages in a few minutes, each of which provides detailed information that isn't really useful.
Samba ACTS like a traditional UNIX daemon in that it can log to the syslog facility as well as generate its own log files.
Doing this will generate the log files in the project's working directory.
Unlike previous versions of Business Events, in V6.2.1 you aren't required to create a c:\tmp directory in order to generate logs. The following log files are produced
与以前的BusinessEvents版本不同,在V6.2.1 中不需要为了生成日志创建c:\tmp目录。
LogFile gives you an easy interface to generate log files in your application.
LogFile gives you an easy interface to generate log files in your application.