Others, though, are pursuing a trade that could generate profits regardless of whether Exxon rises or falls.
One of Mr. Watanabe's top aides said. 'one of our biggest social responsibilities is to generate profits and pay taxes.
The faster you can rid yourself of outdated myths about the country, the sooner you will be able generate profits there.
Morgan indicated that the company is very bullish this current financial year as they will continue to generate profits.
While no program can generate profits eternally, those paying investors real profits are much more likely to last a relatively longer time.
They generate profits for international businesses and provide essential income and resources for hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people.
They generate profits for international businesses and provide essential income and resources for hundreds of millions of the world's poorest people.
Trading the "news" is one of the techniques that can generate profits very fast but only if it the trader understands what is going on with a particular announcement.
Rovio would generate profits from a licensing deal and expand its brand, and Window of the World would be able to boast the credibility an official endorsement would bring.
Rovio将获利于许可协议,而且能扩大自己的品牌影响。 另一方面,世界之窗将由于官方认可得以宣传其可信性。
If all were going well, shareholders might forgive Demand for reneging on its pledges and opportunistically buying undervalued shares. But the firm hasn't shown an ability to generate profits.
Hedges — and the profits they protect or generate — expire, and the cost of new hedges has been climbing as prices have been falling.
Incidentally, experts say that investors can generate sustained profits because the selling price of electricity in Tanzania is good and that electricity can be sold to TANESCO readily.
Moreover, this spending will create only discrete projects, not ongoing businesses that generate jobs and profits.
It's simply the nuts and bolts of how a business plans to generate revenue and profits. It details your long-term strategy and day-to-day operations.
Shao Yukai, an industry analyst at Industrial Securities in Shanghai, says "a sharp increase in demand for power equipment will generate more than expected profits for listed companies."
The companies on the S&P 500 generate 46% of their profits outside the U.S., and for many of the biggest American names, the proportion is much higher.
The "open source spirit" is something that is only of interest to Oracle to the extent that it can help the company generate greater profits.
When financiers dream up new products, he wrote, they have an incentive to downplay the risks and use them to generate short-term profits -- as well as big bonuses.
Big firms, however, have to take on more risk in order to generate the sorts of profits that their Stockholders have come to expect. This inevitably involves building up their trading operations.
Mr Devereux would prefer a radically different system in which firms are taxed not where they say they make profits but where they generate sales: ie, where their consumers are.
Your job is to constantly monitor what you are doing and determine if it is the activities that are going to generate the bulk of your profits.
EVA - Operating profits less a charge for the capital employed to generate those profits.
Even if the size of transactions is lower than on American markets, the high turnover can generate healthy profits.
If you're a banker and you generate big short-term profits you get lavishly rewarded - and you don't have to give the money back if and when those profits turn out to have been a mirage.
The plants generate small amounts of power, the profits are taken by officials and their environment suffers.
Market players need to make skillful adjustments in adverse periods to manage risk, protect seed capital and generate targeted profits while waiting for the return of benign conditions.
We are the source of raw materials, now to India and China as well as the Western world, yet we generate the least profits from these exhaustible resources.
In our last Bulletin we presented our reasoning for using multiple systems in multiple markets in order to produce more consistent profits and to generate a smoother equity curve.
In our last Bulletin we presented our reasoning for using multiple systems in multiple markets in order to produce more consistent profits and to generate a smoother equity curve.