Select the static IP address of the instance or select the default option system generated.
It also registers an interrupt service routine's address to service interrupts generated when wireless data is sent or received.
You can either set your own temporary email address or get a randomly generated temporary address that is automatically updated.
It automatically generated a packing and address slip and several bar-code labels.
Notice that the address location is an address on the bus, which is generated based on the endpoint listener and inbound service name.
On a write, the DIF is generated by the host bus adapter (HBA), based on the block data and logical block address.
Whether derived from address information, acquired by GPS devices, or otherwise generated, many databases contain geographic coordinates of point locations as separate numeric columns in a table.
To address the common need to obtain the value of an auto-generated or auto-incremented key, the JDBC 3.0 API now makes it painless to obtain this value.
为了解决对获取自动产生的或自动增加的关键字的值的需求,JDBC 3.0API现在将获取这种值变得很轻松。
The IP address of the virtual machine is generated by the system and on the given VLAN.
It is clear from the "WSDL complex object attribute" screen (Figure 18) that the generated WSDL does not contain the object Address that is defined in the Customer class.
Uuid is a unique random number that gets generated with uuidgen utility which USES network address information and system time.
Use this dynamically generated token and specified data source with the address to invoke the findAddress function.
Typically, a Web page generated from a particular host address is restricted to communicate back only to the same host address.
Just input your address and user-generated routes will appear, handily mapped out and measured by distance, speed and calories burned.
On the Configure Image panel select Bronze 32 bit for server size and a system-generated IP address.
In the generated native code, those are translated into the address of the native code for that method.
When a long string variable is assigned a string constant, the string pointer is assigned the address of the memory block generated for the string constant.
Address signals are generated by the data loading and reading circuitry.
A username is generated and assigned based on the user name part of the email address.
A username is generated and assigned based on the user name part of the email address.