The generated energy would have to be stored to provide electricity 24 hours a day.
Companies are even reviving ideas of storing wind-generated energy using compressed air or spinning flywheels.
Energy dissipation of transformers takes about 10% of total generated energy, and takes about 50% of line loss.
And how was your watch winders? The crown generated energy is sent to the spring, spring accumulation in the box.
The cost differential between fossil-fuel-generated energy and some alternatives is already small, and is likely to come down.
The generated energy is corrected by velocity weighting factor to conduct dynamic regulation while the response speed is reached.
Electronic regulator is important department that connect generator with accumulator in automobile, have an effect of regulate generated energy and protect accumulator.
Q-vector frontogenesis function analysis indicated that such circulation cell generated energy transforming system between torrential rain area and the distant westerly to the northeast.
Along the observation section, the net horizontal baroclinic energy flux, the bottom generated energy flux and the wave-current interaction are balanced by the turbulence production rate.
Within each orbit, collisions between planetesimals generated immense heat and energy.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ordered the dam removed after concluding that the environmental and economic benefits of a free-flowing river outweighed the electricity generated by the dam.
So large is the Pacific, covering 30% of the planet's surface, that the additional energy generated by its warming is enough to touch off a series of weather changes around the world.
The hiccup is that very little energy is generated and the harvesting mechanisms are sometimes larger than the devices they power.
For power the company USES the excess heat generated by existing industrial processes such as smelting, energy that currently goes to waste.
For those UK crematoria that hold lots of daily services, the amount of excess heat generated could open up the possibility of selling energy to the National Grid.
Much "renewable" energy was generated by burning wood and other biomass for heating and cooking in the poorest countries - energy use that is "neither environmentally friendly nor efficient".
On the windiest days, only half the power generated can be transmitted, said Min Deqing, a local renewable energy consultant.
Britain's energy policy is not, though, driven entirely by a need to cut emissions. It also seeks to increase massively the amount of energy generated from renewable sources.
In Jiuquan, new coal-fired power plants with 13.6 million kilowatts of installed capacity - the same amount of energy generated by Chile in 2009 - will be added by 2020.
The knee brace harvests energy generated when someone bends their knee to take a step.
One largely untapped source of energy, however, is the methane generated by cows on farms around the world.
Electricity can be generated by nuclear fission, hydropower, biomass, wind and solar energy; and cars and lorries can run on electricity or biofuels.
The energy it generated was a reminder of the spirit of the moment when fear dissolves.
There is more waste than ever: wasted energy use, gas-guzzling cars, trash generated by the truckload.
The electrical energy generated originally by the wind turbines originally is stored as a temperature difference between the two rock-filled silos.
The widespread introduction of hydrogen cars has long been a goal of some green campaigners, because eventually they allow transport fuel to be generated from renewable energy.
The widespread introduction of hydrogen cars has long been a goal of some green campaigners, because eventually they allow transport fuel to be generated from renewable energy.