New methods developed in genetic research have led taxonomists to revise their views on the evolutionary relationships between many species.
She adds: "Furthermore, genetic research has not been delivering the expected results."
Result of a genetic research showed that the 6 male sterile mutants were genic male sterility (GMS).
The recent advances in the genetic research of endosperm-quality traits in cereal crops are outlined.
Silkworm is a representative insect in Lepidoptera, and also an excellent material for genetic research.
Genetic research suggests that our fun preferences are largely inborn and remain consistent throughout life.
Maize, which has had by far the most genetic research, is the only crop whose yield is growing by more than that.
It is located at the Campus Vienna Biocenter, a center of excellence in molecular biology and genetic research.
Much genetic research has revealed that this COMT functional polymorphism was related to human psychiatric disorders.
Firstly, ore genetic research is highly tentative, and its conclusions should be valued objectively and applied properly.
In Luminescence mode, Triathler allows a full range of techniques common in microbiology, immunology, and genetic research.
Therefore, the work of integrating classical map with molecular linkage map becomes a hot focus on silkworm genetic research.
So far, 40, 000 subscribers have sent in saliva samples so their genetic data can be added to a related bio-bank for genetic research.
The most immediate and probably the largest, effect of genetic research that health-care providers will face is personalized medicine.
These especial materials with single or double excellent traits could be used in further genetic research and modern breeding in rice.
New semi-dwarf sorghum has three times the previous yield, and genetic research has shown how to control cassava's great scourge, viral disease.
With the flying development and progress of molecular-biology, the genetic research and genetic therapy of AMD turn into a current hotspot.
The characteristic koalas, kangaroos, possums and wombats of Australia share a common American ancestor, according to genetic research from Germany.
The molecular genetic research on OSA can assist us in understanding the pathogenesis of OSA and promote genetic diagnosis and prevention of OSA.
The genetic research, made public by Spain's Centre for Scientific research, was due to be published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
Graduates find job opportunities with pharmaceutical and genetic research firms, academic institutions, and other organizations investigating genetics.
The next few days will include announcements about new drug therapies and genetic research, as well as discussions about funding for research and prevention.
The authors admit that genetic research is progressing, and they cite the example of the discovery of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and their role in breast cancer.
Genetic Research in Britain: Scientists in the U.K. are farming information from the Human Genome Project to prescribe medication more effectively. Getty images.
CGH are applied to analyze DNA level changes of chromosome, can get good results and can be repeated well, it is an advisable way of tumor cellular genetic research.
And we also elucidate the perspective of the developmental and genetic research work assisted by the chicken genome information and with chicken as the animal modal.
Research published online today in Science sheds some light on the mystery thanks to advances in genetic research and the 2007 discovery of some long-lost Russian remains.
Research published online today in Science sheds some light on the mystery thanks to advances in genetic research and the 2007 discovery of some long-lost Russian remains.