Studies include medical genetics, biochemical techniques, genome mapping, genetic toxicology, and related subjects.
Thestrategy combining genetic toxicology tests and carcinogenicity test for carcinogen identification is reco-mme...
Thestrategy combining genetic toxicology tests and carcinogenicity test for carcinogen identification is recommended.
Recently, how to obtain the data of potential side effects rapidly in early phase of drug research is one of the hot points in genetic toxicology.
Single cell gel electrophoresis is applied for genetic toxicology, DNA damage and detection, environmental pollution detection, apoptosis mechanism research et al.
From the side of genetic toxicology, Using orthogonal design method, we studied the joint effect of benzene, Toluene and xylene on the mice small bowel micronucleus.
In recent years, this method has been widely used for studies on specific classes of DNA damage, DNA specific dye, DNA repair, genetic toxicology, environmental biomonitoring and apoptosis.
Within minutes of being inhaled into the lungs cigarette smoke causes genetic mutations linked to lung cancer, according to a new study in the Chemical Research in Toxicology.
Within minutes of being inhaled into the lungs cigarette smoke causes genetic mutations linked to lung cancer, according to a new study in the Chemical Research in Toxicology.