The human population contains a great variety of genetic variation, but drugs are tested on just a few thousand people.
In California, a lack of genetic variation in the Argentine ant has allowed the species to spread widely.
Most genetic variation is shared worldwide.
But comprehensive genetic variation occurred in citrus callus.
The 1000 Genomes Project completed its first map of human genetic variation.
The peanut rotting-pod rate in different cultivars has evident genetic variation.
Each group carried only a subset of the genetic variation from its ancestral population.
Some lifestyles, and some forces of nature, act to reduce genetic variation; others act to promote it.
As such, the supposedly clonal fungi maintain a degree of genetic variation that had been overlooked.
The dendrogram based on the SSR analysis showed a more complicated genetic variation pattern, but the o.
Since it occurred only rarely, it was unlikely to be an antigen caused by genetic variation in human blood.
Each sample was sequenced 20-60 times to uncover a clear picture of genetic variation among family members.
These aging pilots carried a common genetic variation that is believed to reduce BDNF activity in their brains.
Recently the sugar beet varieties bred in china are limited in hereditary basis and genetic variation genealogy .
The role of introgression in shaping the genetic variation pattern of the species should be seen in the same light.
To our knowledge, the effect of genetic variation in leaf Angle and dispersion has not been adequately quantified in trees.
Even genetic variation within the same species has been shown to affect how well ecosystems pull up their socks and repair themselves.
It is found that the phosphorus environment influenced not only genetic variation but also genetic correlation among shoot traits.
Indeed, one of the great surprises of the past decades has been how much genetic variation there is, for there's far more than anyone expected.
Two of the studies pointed to a genetic variation in the gene that is found commonly, and a third found a rare mutation of this same gene.
This is the first time a genetic variation has been found that shows a different response to emotional stimuli only when individuals are stressed.
Studying the chromosome of tree peony, is not only knowing the regular of genetic variation but also studying the species of heredity on the cell level.
Then we can really start to look at the genetic variation within the species and gain insight into some of the genes involved in drug resistance or virulence.
Pharmacogenomics is the study of the stratification of the pharmacological response to a drug by a population based on the genetic variation of that population.
The MGS study also found an association between schizophrenia and a genetic variation on chromosome 1 (1p22.1), which has been implicated in multiple sclerosis.
MGS研究也发现精神分裂症与1号染色体(1 p 22 . 1)遗传变异间的联系,这种联系在多发性硬化中已经有过。
The MGS study also found an association between schizophrenia and a genetic variation on chromosome 1 (1p22.1), which has been implicated in multiple sclerosis.
MGS研究也发现精神分裂症与1号染色体(1 p 22 . 1)遗传变异间的联系,这种联系在多发性硬化中已经有过。