The survey covers a wide geographical area.
Exploring the Etna geographical area reveals a history written in fire.
Other known caves from the same geographical area and time period contain only paintings of plants.
The area was very dry with low rainfall because of its geographical condition.
The Directory of professionals and organizations can also be searched by name, area and geographical region of expertise.
Ability to gain market share, technologies, or a foothold in a new area of business or geographical market via merger with or acquisition of another company.
Rather than covering the geographical area occupied by the modern Greek state, he argued Ancient Greece stretched from Georgia in the east to Spain in the west.
Each type of network has its own focus area, member size, geographical spread, societal impact and objective.
Each user is assigned the appropriate geographical area, and KML is created with designator fade depths based on message count per hour.
The lists define polygons and can be layered on top of each other to map data sets of completely different origins while describing the same geographical area to form extremely data-rich maps.
In this scenario, regional servers are spread across a wide geographical area, each one with its own WAN peculiarities.
Top management decides to internationalize, exposing a stable product in one geographical area to other geographical areas.
Specifically, assume that you'd like to use the geocoding information that accompanies Twitter search results to also display a map of the geographical area from which each post originated.
In reality, a number of machines (spread across a geographical area) contain the digital assets (or pieces of them, perhaps).
This is probably because of the smaller geographical area in Holland and smaller population.
It is found mainly in Latin America, where it is mostly transmitted to humans by the faeces of triatomine bugs, known as' kissing bugs', among other names, depending on the geographical area.
The outbreak in 1985 was bigger in magnitude, both in terms of cases and the geographical area affected.
That is the lowest point on the earth's land surface so this dramatic drop in just a very short geographical area.
While the number of actual territories are reduced from the number that would be crammed into the same geographical area in another Total War game, that's a dizzying amount of space to consider.
There's also Bing Scout, a local-search capability that zeroes in on sights, retail outlets and upcoming events in a user's geographical area.
The workshop of the field equipment layer is divided from the Angle of the geographical area, such as the workshop 1 is a safe area, and the workshop 2 is a safe area.
The colliery, as one kind of the mine, is a kind of special geographical area, which is in large scale, wide area, big difference between geological condition and coal seam composition.
Researches have indicated that technical innovation has spatial connection and the technique concentration within a geographical area has external effects.
Researches have indicated that technical innovation has spatial connection and the technique concentration within a geographical area has external effects.