The city council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs.
With geological maps, books, and atlases you can find out all the proven sites of precious minerals.
Bown and his colleagues stumbled across it while they were doing geological mapping in the region.
The other islands, which emerged via geological processes such as volcanism, possessed no terrestrial life.
The hills are remnants of an earlier geological era, scraped bare of most soil and exposed to the elements.
We were discussing the geological evidence of liquid water on Earth and Mars three to four billion years ago.
Geological dates are usually obtained by using the rates of decay of various radioactive elements found in minerals.
Geological dates are usually obtained by using the rates of decay of various radioactive elements found in minerals.
Here on Earth, moving tectonic plates are a major geological element, just crucial for the whole surface dynamic, right?
After millions of years, powerful geological forces, like underwater volcanoes lift up the ocean sediments to form new land.
This suggests that Earth's water may have come from inside, driven to the surface to form the oceans, by geological activity.
Archaeologists know that mounds such as these are the kinds of geological features that indicate the presence of ancient settlements.
At the end of the Cretaceous, the geological record shows that these seaways retreated from the continents back into the major ocean basins.
Charles Lyell made a good estimate of the Tertiary Period from the fossil record, but his method could not be extended to earlier geological periods.
Several other mass extinctions in the geological record have been tentatively identified with large impacts, but none is so dramatic as the Cretaceous event.
Certain features of these engravings lead to the conclusion that they are of great age—geological changes had clearly happened after the designs had been made.
As he prepared the speech, Juan kept asking himself, "How can I make this clear and meaningful to someone who knows nothing about earthquakes or geological principles?"
The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing.
In 1831 when Smith was finally recognized by the Geological Society of London as the "father of English geology", it was not only for his maps but also for something even more important.
In 1815 he published the first modern geological map, "A Map of the Strata of England and Wales with a Part of Scotland", a map so meticulously researched that it can still be used today.
Unlike Oceanic islands that were once part of continental landmasses, islands formed by such geological processes as volcanism contain only plants and animals that could be transported there.
While there are a dozen or more mass extinctions in the geological record, the Cretaceous mass extinction has always intrigued paleontologists because it marks the end of the age of the dinosaurs.
Hills and mountains are often regarded as the epitome of permanence, successfully resisting the destructive forces of nature, but in fact they tend to be relatively short-lived in geological terms.
It is the only paved road discovered in ancient Egypt, said geologist Thomas Bown of the United States Geological Survey.
Ever since people had begun to catalog the strata in particular outcrops, there had been the hope that these could somehow be used to calculate geological time.
The project is understood as a geological landscape surrounded by cork and holm oak.
That's a baby in geological terms.
Smithsonian and U.S. Geological Survey.
We are interfering with major geological forces.
We are interfering with major geological forces.