There are four columns by the Web's Biological Museum of Zhongshan University : Geological age;
The geological age of the present sandstone series is not earlier than the middle-late Pliocene.
Lixiviation is chief geochemistry action to control fluorine content undergo very long geological age.
The result is significant to study the geological age and stratigraphic subdivision in Guanjiagou Formation.
The primary section of the formation is unfossiliferous. It remains uncertain whether its geological age is Eocene or Oligocene.
According to geological age, it may be divided into Upper Triassic coal-bearing formation and Lower-Middle Jurassic clastic rock formation.
Judging from the stratigraphical sequence and the characteristics of this flora, the geological age of the said coal series is late Pliocene.
Nearly four decades later, our power to alter the environment is considered so profound as to define a new geological age, and even water is not exempt.
The geological age, stratigraphic subdivision and correlation of the "High Resistivity Red Bed" in the Dongpu Depression, Bohai Sea Coastal Basin, has been an unresolved question.
Zhou Hongwei proposed that the sag pond formed at the geological age in the Chendu Plain continued till the Western, Eastern Jin's and Southern and Northern Dynasties from roughly a.
The present unconformity system is resulted from paleoweathering zone undergoing weathering, eluviations and transgression in geological age. The vertical texture existed in the both systems.
Certain features of these engravings lead to the conclusion that they are of great age—geological changes had clearly happened after the designs had been made.
While there are a dozen or more mass extinctions in the geological record, the Cretaceous mass extinction has always intrigued paleontologists because it marks the end of the age of the dinosaurs.
The soil contains evidence of the influence of man since the Stone age, bose explains, and this age has already been treated as an independent geological era for a long time.
Rock formations are color-coded and symbols for geological structures are annotated, so age relationships are evident.
They are typical geological remains from the Glacial Age.
Isotopic age has become an important means solving geological problems.
According to the regional geological data, it endows interpretation contents with the corresponding geologic age, and sets up framework of sequence strata.
Obviously, it is very difficult to determine the initial age of subduction by using the isotopic age of only one geological event.
This paper deals with three factors, i. e. topographic unit, stratigraphic age, and strata association as the most important elements for controlling the soil engineering geological conditions.
Combined with regional geological data, the deformation age and the relationship with the other fracture zones have been discussed.
An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso - topic dat...
An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso - top...
An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur is...
An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur is...