In comparison, a German shepherd has a biting pressure of 750 pounds per square inch.
German shepherd cross-breed dog named Adolf sits in his kennel in Berlin on October 15, 2003.
The part of the nose critical in controlling body temperature is smaller in the pug than in the normocephalic German Shepherd.
German Shepherd, 85 LBS. Neutered. Speaks German. Free.
We have Sandy, a Yorkshire Terrier, and a German Shepherd named Sam.
Consider Marina Wolak and Buck, her one-year-old German shepherd.
设想一下玛丽娜•沃勒克(Marina Wolak)和她一岁大德国牧羊犬巴克(Buck)。
In England they have been using German shepherd dogs to help diagnose cancer.
The owner said his German shepherd service dog has helped him get help three times in the past.
And often see girls coming out for jogging with cute big dog, German Shepherd or Siberian Husky.
One Friday evening I came home from work to find a big beautiful German shepherd on our doorstep.
The night before, a German shepherd looking mongrel had come into the bar begging for potato chips.
We skittered through the cool, dim stacks of the college library, our German Shepherd James in tow8.
The night before, a German shepherd looking mongrel9 had come into the bar begging for potato chips.
They are moderate shedders, not enthusiastic ones such as Alaskan Malamutes or German Shepherd Dogs.
I never met a German shepherd who could open the refrigerator or food bag and pour himself another bowl.
Other breeds, such as the German Shepherd and Doberman Pinscher, also have disk disease but with a lower incidence.
A German Shepherd dog is a trotting dog, and its structure has been developed to meet the requirements of its work.
Here you see the 'Breed Standards' illustrations; which are supposed to be used in judging German Shepherd show dogs.
Hope, the German shepherd, can place his front PAWS on a lawn mower's handle and push the machine along like a human operator.
Police said the german shepherd dog had been in the house with its owner when she is believed to have died of a heart attack.
One morning as we walked by a house in rural West Virginia, a large German shepherd emerged without barking and walked behind us.
Banjo came to me by way of a paper bag deposited on my doorstep, apparently the unwanted runt of a litter of German shepherd puppies.
They call him Rebel, but everyone's without a clue about why the 8-month-old German shepherd poked his head through a hole in a wall and got stuck.
But I don't need to be when there's five polis and a German Shepherd dog breaking down the door and dragging Marc screaming down the path and into a van.
A German shepherd molded from concrete and painted in shades of brown and black, a classic piece of cold war kitsch, was tethered by a metal chain to a tree.
Thee family all live in her back garden but they are so big that they each require a dog crate that would normally house a pet as large as German shepherd.
这一家三口都住在安妮特的花园里,但是因为它们体型巨大,所以它们每一只都需要一个平时用来装德国牧羊犬那么大的狗窝。 。
Thee family all live in her back garden but they are so big that they each require a dog crate that would normally house a pet as large as German shepherd.
这一家三口都住在安妮特的花园里,但是因为它们体型巨大,所以它们每一只都需要一个平时用来装德国牧羊犬那么大的狗窝。 。