Fenton was a good listener, and his questions were germane.
The call for public engagement with the unthinkable is especially germane in this moment of still-uncontrolled pandemic and economic crises in the world's most technologically advanced nations.
He asks questions that are germane and central to the issue.
Other environment variables are germane to individual utilities.
The paper is organized around four questions that are germane to organizational research.
See the sections on Assignments and Exams for further expectations germane to this course.
The following are a few research questions that seem especially germane to each of these areas.
Finally, let me address an issue you raised in an earlier letter that is also germane at this point.
The 20-page summary is a sketch of the findings that are most germane to the public and world leaders.
Now this is not the kind of stuff that computer scientists spend all their time doing, but it will germane.
A checklist should be developed that is broad based but also germane to the product line of the manufacturer.
Alan Johnson: Charlie collects things from his life. You know, things that he finds germane to his lifestyle.
Four ultimate concerns, to my view, are highly germane to psychotherapy: death, isolation, meaning in life, and freedom.
This web would bring me to many people's ideas -- many of them very germane since they quote me -- that I might never find otherwise.
When in doubt as to whether or not your review is germane to the subject, contact a moderator directly for approval before you write your report.
Quine's target was mainly the empiricist tradition in epistemology, but his conclusions were patently germane to the agenda of analytical philosophy.
Binder lists 33 tests from Meyers' original procedural solution and provides 32 more tests that are germane to the object-oriented nature of the problem.
Germane to my talk at this meeting, in some situations, diabetes may lower VEGF levels and in other situations it may paradoxically increase VEGF levels.
Martin Buber, a famous Germane Philosopher in modern times, re explored and re elucidated Oriental cultures with his unique way of "dialogue philosophy".
Journalists might have been more reticent about revealing peccadilloes 40 or 50 years ago, questioning whether they were germane to judging job performance.
But the Justice Department, in its appeal Tuesday, called the funding condition "highly germane" to the overall goal of fighting the spread of AIDS and HIV.
If it's germane but time is still running out, you should assign a smaller group to either gather more information or move the process along once the meeting is over.
Most important, it articulates its academic requirements in exquisite detail, and focuses on those measures of institutional performance that are most germane to its mission.
"Among the many interpretations of this term, the one that is perhaps most germane to our text is" she who enjoys the expanse of Emptiness - that is, who has attained higher illumination.
"You may feel confused, ashamed, even depressed," says Anne Perschel, President of Germane Consulting and an organizational psychologist who coaches executives and helps employees change careers.
“你可能会感到混乱,甚至会绝望”。GermaneConsulting公司的总裁Anne Perschel,也是一位帮助员工转行、指导经理的管理心理学家,她如是说。
"You may feel confused, ashamed, even depressed," says Anne Perschel, President of Germane Consulting and an organizational psychologist who coaches executives and helps employees change careers.
“你可能会感到混乱,甚至会绝望”。GermaneConsulting公司的总裁Anne Perschel,也是一位帮助员工转行、指导经理的管理心理学家,她如是说。