If you do you'll likely not get even th' pips, an' them's too bitter to eat.
As waves break up ice the seas will become more open, and the waves will get even stronger.
She didn't get even a sniff at a medal.
Not only that, but when people faced no consequences for dishonesty, their falsehood tended to get even more sensational.
When someone donated bottles of water, Ewan and his family held a drive to get even more.
That's the Matthew effect, those who hath little get even that taken away and thrown into prison.
My old computer is so slow that it takes a lot of time to get even simple tasks done.
Again, in the absence of well-functioning health systems, we are unlikely to get even the most basic population data on morbidity and mortality.
If users plug in their social accounts, they get even more information, such as what their friends recently purchased or which brands they recommend.
If you have always envied the guy who gets all the girls. Nows your chance to get even and get lucky.
You could have simply numbered the registers, but then writing the code and remembering which register does what would get even more tedious than before.
Things get even worse if businesses and consumers expect wages to fall further in the future.
In "Rain Man", Tom Cruise's harsh treatment from his father is his motivation behind collecting the inheritance. He wants to get even with his father.
Now you know more about the integration test client and its various features, so that you can get even more mileage out of it and avoid the most common mistakes.
If a discovery announced in this week's Nature has been interpreted correctly, that question is about to get even stranger.
Throughout 2010 inflation ran at or above 3%. That is a pretty dismal record, but it will get even more wretched this year as inflation heads above 4%.
In 2010, social media will get even more popular, more mobile, and more exclusive - at least, that's my guess.
2010年,社会媒体将会更受欢迎,更多的手机应用,也更具排他性- - -至少,这是我的猜测。
But since the Senate has an even stronger rural bias than the House and requires a supermajority of 60 to avoid filibusters, things could get even messier.
Although money is important, you can potentially get even more benefit from personal, creative, and fun forms of recognition.
If nothing else, to get even more convinced that we are perhaps not even a comma.
Then people like me write about it even though we don’t want him to get even more free publicity.
This is true to a large extent now, and will get even better as weavers improve and become more tightly integrated with JITs and VMs.
目前在很大程度上这是事实,而且随着编织器的改进,以及与JIT和VM 的集成越来越紧密,情况还会变得更好。
What is your normal reaction when people hurt you intentionally? Retaliate! Get even! We're often at our creative best when we're thinking up methods to get even.
As vendors' IDE tools mature, the integration will get even better.
A halfpenny's the usual drop [gift], and you don't get even that unless you give them a bit of backchat.
One objection to the argument that conditions would get even worse if America left is that conditions have got worse anyway.
有人认为,美军一走,情况会更糟。 反对者则认为,不管怎样,情况已经变糟了。
More than half all those questioned in November thought the pound was going to get even weaker — a belief that has already been confirmed.
But founders Steven Pecora, Darrin Cromwell, Matthew Conetta, and Cosmin Ghotta hope to one day partner with manufacturers directly to get even better deals.
And when you get even more stressed because you can't come up with new ideas, you make the block even stronger.
And when you get even more stressed because you can't come up with new ideas, you make the block even stronger.