If you put a stone in the way of an ant, it will go around, over, under or on top, without stopping, until it finds a way to get where it needs to be.
A rubber rat on top of an overflowing garbage can is a nice touch. No one will get close enough to see if it's fake.
Here, some members of the Top 100 get on stage to present strategies or products that signal the company’s future.
Discuss the estrogen and progesterone balance of your HRT with your doctor and be sure to stay on top of your exercise routine, even if that means consulting a personal trainer to get you started.
Once your blog is up and running, address the points you found on other blogs and maintain pages that get your name and message up on top of the search results.
Clearly, at the top of the economic cycle, consumers will be so desperate to get their hands on raw materials that they will pay well over the cost of production.
Black silicon provides an added benefit on top of any other improvements in efficiency a company can get.
But at 45, Mr Sannier believes the trend is inevitable, and his job requires him to get on top of it.
Coat your pet's paw with a thin layer of petroleum jelly, and press the top of the paw firmly into the concrete. Press down on the heel of the paw to get a complete print.
Skip the tinsel, or move it to a high spot on your tree where your cats and dogs can't get them, warns. Put fragile ornaments at the tip-top of your tree, too, in case jumpy pets try to get to them.
Imagine trying to balance a chest of drawers on just one of its legs, on top of a boulder, and you get an idea of what Gray gets up to.
I'm still going through emails received last week but I hope to get on top of those today, so if you're waiting on a reply it's coming, I promise.
The energy powerhouse cells in muscles get damaged with age. That damage accumulates over time and, on top of that, the body's ability to repair that damage also dwindles with aging.
And on top of all that, you can treat XML as plain text, and get values out of it that way.
I could not get any work done, the babies were misbehaving, my husband had a headache and was in a bad mood and on top of all that I had an argument with my mom and grandmother who live in Ukraine.
On top of this, lawmakers get 40 round trips a year to their constituencies and free train travel, as well as pension benefits that accumulate twice as fast as those of civil servants.
FOR months now European leaders have been striving to get on top of the euro-area debt crisis.
Unblock all of them, and you'll eventually get a small, move-able menu bar on your desktop, as seen in the top screenshot.
We get lazy, we don't stay on top of the clutter and we don't see the harm.
The euro will be vulnerable as long as European leaders fail to get on top of the debt crisis.
To get more information on the top 10 results, we will need to have each of the elements returned.
It is hard to believe that the bitter odor is gone, the environment is protected, and on top of this we get energy out of this process.
If we get thrown out of a window on the top floor of a skyscraper, we expect to hurtle to the ground, no matter how much we would rather fly away and land safely elsewhere.
Thatcher herself has said that "I'm a romantic at heart, " and admits that "there are times when I get home at night, and everything has got on top of me, when I shed a few tears silently, alone.
By putting text inside of the link and moving it off the screen with text-indent in CSS, you get the benefit of usability without having the text overlay on top of the image.
Could Mr Gaddis, who admits that he speaks no foreign languages, get on top of the mountain of material and do credit to such an international polymath?
I told him that I, myself, would be very disturbed if I had learned that somebody had looked into my passport file, and therefore, I will stay on top of it and get to the bottom of it.
But then you get to a point where there's just barely any pressure on top of the liquid.
But then you get to a point where there's just barely any pressure on top of the liquid.