They included a pizza chef, an electrical engineer, a bank executive, a school teacher and four stockbrokers; stockbrokers get the word faster.
We can get the word spelling, parts of speech, pronunciation, meaning and some sentences in the dictionary.
As consumers get more of their news and information from the Internet, the ability of television and radio to get the word out to consumers will decrease.
When Mary starts talking, no one else can get a word in edgeways.
Ernest dominated the conversation - Zhou could hardly get a word in edgewise.
欧内斯特滔滔不绝地说着 —周几乎无法插上话。
If you've got a new development in medicine, for example, bird flu, then you'll get a new word coming out of that.
Now that we've figured out the ancient Greek meaning of pneumonia, we can stick it together with peri to get the peripheumon-their word for a lung problem.
既然我们弄明白古希腊语单词 pneumon的意思了,我们就可以把它与前缀peri 组合到一起,得到单词peripheumon ——古希腊人用它来指称肺部病症。
It may be possible for you to get a system that does a lot of other things in addition to word processing.
When she start to talk - just watch out! I can't get in a single word.
They are not talking with you now! I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow.
The result value is returned as a reference, so you have to de-reference it to get the word count you requested.
If you do, you also have to hit the space bar to get the next word started in the right spot.
For a logical man, not able to get a word in edgewise, Vienna became a complete turnoff.
To get that word, you would need to load a quadword from memory location 0, and then shift the bits so that the value you want is in the preferred slot.
To my surprise it took some time to hear back, and when I did get word the response was ‘no comment.
Tellingly, though, he doesn't get the last word the album.
It was in the Old English translation of this Latin biography that we first get the word bitter.
The word "surpassing" is "huperballo" inthe Greek, which is where we get the word hyperbole.
And now "Get crunk," as I was aware from having heard it before, involves the consistent refrain of "Get crunk" Extremely bad word, "Get crunk" Extremely bad word, and so I said "no."
The word makes you pay attention. The word makes you get angry. The word gets you to actually do something.
I get sent a 'word of the day' on my email and today's was very appropriate.
If you want God's blessing on your life, you need to get into the Word and read it, study it, and start memorizing it.
Besides worrying about the fate of bookstores themselves, my friend wondered where we would get word-of-mouth recommendations for reading if bookstores were to disappear.
Search your friends list for valuable contacts or join professional networks that can help you find a job or at least get the word out that you're looking.
Another parent commented: "We happy stay-at-home mums never get a word in; no one pays us any attention."
The world is not simply the physical world that you and I know, it's the cosmos, the Greek word where we get the word cosmology, all the universe.
The Cancer Project is trying to get the word out about the dangers of processed meats, especially hot dogs.
"That's the nearest we could get to the word 'whitewash' in Latin," says Hamilton, a bony finger tracing its outline.
The most creative viral marketing plans use others' resources to get the word out.
The most creative viral marketing plans use others' resources to get the word out.