By the sweat of your brow, shall you get bread to eat. So knowledge or wisdom or perhaps moral freedom seems to come at a very high price.
That is why investors get lured into buying dotcom stocks in the hope that a “greater fool” will purchase them at a higher price.
They have learned how mass production helps them to get the goods and services they want at a price they can afford to pay.
Those that need more capital soon will get it only at a very high price if they can get it at all, as venture capitalists tighten their purse strings.
While a holder can expect to get repaid in full at maturity, the price of longer-term Treasuries could fall sharply in the interim if yields rise.
A sales agent, for example, might get you to commit to buying a car at a certain price.
He is desperately trying to rent a house at any price to get his family indoors, he says, but there's little left on the market.
Buying my clothes at a thrift store yields items that are not-so-watered-down versions of what I would get at my other favorite clothing store, and that are a fraction of the price.
Users can select parameters and get real-time updates if and when the selected product becomes available at a given price point.
If speculators on the futures markets get carried away, pushing prices so high that refineries run at a loss, they will simply shut down, causing the price to fall again.
Given Rio's tricky financial situation, Chinalco is in position to get a good measure of control of such assets at a decent price.
Although the price of a bowl of Lanzhou noodles has soared to over 10 yuan in restaurants, you can still get a bowl for 4.5 yuan at college canteens.
One former temporary worker at BMW recalls that whereaspermanent staff get a 1 Eurodiscount on meals in the canteen, Zeitarbeitermust pay full price.
While most analysts pored over the Numbers to get a sense of how growth was holding up, at least two spotted a large discrepancy between reported, and implied, price changes.
Instead of using this year to get parliament to adopt an emissions-trading scheme that would put a price on carbon pollution, action will now be delayed until 2013 at least.
He knows you won't be looking too closely at the particulars of the deal and you aren't likely to drive across town to try to get a better price.
Buying a product at the discounted price you get with a coupon is certainly cheaper than paying full-price — no one's arguing with that concept.
He is desperately trying to rent a house at any price he says, to get his family indoors, but there's little left on the market.
But environmentalists expect emissions-trading markets eventually to price the gas at about $50 a tonne, and Dr Lackner hopes to get the cost of his process down to $30 per tonne in the long run.
At many schools, RAs earn money as well as get their room and meals for free or at a reduced price.
At 5pm PST the new Napster will launch with a $5 monthly subscription plan (down from the old $15 plan) and what you get for that price looks quite good.
在太平洋标准时间(PST)下午5点,新版Napster将重新推出,并提供一个每月5美元的订阅套餐(比原先15美元的计划有所下调)。 而这样的价格看起来很实惠。
Tina and Linda want to make some money by selling some cosmetic products, because one of Linda's girl friends can get those products at a very low price.
At present they get a fraction of the price paid by consumers due to the presence of several middle men in India's antiquated retail supply chain.
When a family stops on a highway in the United States to eat at a Howard Johnson restaurant they know what kind of food they will get and what the price will be.
Who knew where to get their hands on the right kind of pants, at that hour, at an affordable price, and at a moment's notice, so as not to miss their oath ceremony and possibly forfeit citizenship?
General perception is that one can get a car at a lower price in such auction.
There is a feeling that the stuff will arrive at that price point anyway and their margins were going to get squeezed.
The population is more spread out, so there's hardly a line at a restaurant, where, we should add, you can get great food for a more reasonable price.
The population is more spread out, so there's hardly a line at a restaurant, where, we should add, you can get great food for a more reasonable price.