The nurse likes to get away from me and then Martha comes.
Don't think you can get away from me forever! I am gonna knock your block off.
When you walk out the door in a rage, love trails after you, shouting, "You can't get away from me!"
Never once did he try to bite or scratch me, or even try to get away from me, or struggle in any way.
She told me she had pulled away from him several times in real life because every time she let herself get close to him, he could be mean and cold.
This will be her own space for when she wants to get away from it all (and me) and have some private alone time.
Before I get started, let me first differentiate this process from one of the other processes used to alter data and keep it away from those not authorized to view it: encryption.
My superior interpretation skills tell me that if you dream you are being chased - you are probably trying to get away from something.
So when Dan returns from the dry cleaners with a huge stack of clothes in plastic bags on wire hangers, it's a long, tedious process for me to get the clothes put away.
I had to run to get away from this all too painful place that was reminding me of what was to be my child's life-being strange.
Don't get me wrong. I'm a stickler for routine, and if I veer away from it, my productivity suffers.
In fact I don't think at all with this person contact, don't think to talk with her, hoping everyone gives me idea, how should I get away from this person?
We played ball in his yard and he is soooo much bigger than me, he always want to snatch the ball away from me but I always get it and run under a bench so that he cannot get me hee hee.
Plus, the first turning point of my life is coming, if don't work hard, I would like a stumbling block on the fall, after get up, I can find me more and more far, far away from success.
Probably you not that love of apprehensibility drown I already, can't let me get away to love again the other people from the in the interval.
When you enforced others to talk to me, I quickly made excuses to get away from you.
Said promise must go to observe, whether in not together, you will always be my favorite people, in this life except you me who don't want, will you, I really can not get away from you.
It never occurred to me until now that it might be possible to come here looking to get away from something.
Trust me. Your problems are still going to be there when you get home. Step away from your life for 5 minutes.
Kruger took a shine to me for some reason or other; it was impossible to get away from him once he discovered that I was willing to listen to his "esoteric" ideas.
You make me sorry for you; come with me, I will teach you how people get away from the hounds.
While I just get separated from my family which is nearly thousands kilometers far away from me.
'I know only one trick to get away from dogs, ' said the cat. 'You should teach me some of yours! '
'I know only one trick to get away from dogs, ' said the cat. 'You should teach me some of yours! '