If you are interrupted when you are busy reading or thinking about things, you have to learn to control your temper and do not get angry.
Sure, life gets busier as we get older, but we should never let our busy schedules keep us from the people we care about most.
This takes into consideration that they sometimes get busy with their code and forget about the practices.
Emma chatted with MTV about how busy she is... "I'm attached to a film called 'Napoleon and Betsy' which will hopefully get shot in 2010."
Get busy on those home improvement projects that you've been procrastinating about.
Forget about the past and set some new dreams for the future. The best way to recover from a broken heart is to get busy.
Don't get to caught up in being busy and success that you forget how important it is to care about others, especially the people closest to you.
Set goals that you know you will meet and get busy building your self-confidence, self-trust and good feelings about you.
Set goals that you know you will meet and get busy building your self-confidence, self-trust and good feelings about you.