Rovi considered doing away with the conventional programme grid altogether for its latest guide. The message from focus groups was clear: do not get rid of the grid.
When you get back to work, remind yourself what you want to be working on, and clear away all distractions.
But the second thing I'd like to be clear on is that people can get a lot of value from having their autonomy taken away, and from technologies that put constraints on their behavior.
You should have very clear expense policies, so fiddlers are not able to use confusion to get away with cheating.
The broad lessons are clear: steer away from the silly, the double-entendre , names associated with trouble and anything that might get the courts involved.
We've been sitting down all day, time to get out and clear the cobwebs away.
Clear your calendar and put some time away to spend with someone you want to get to know a whole lot better. A serious relationship can develop.
Clear your calendar and put some time away to spend with someone you want to get to know a whole lot better. A serious relationship can develop.