I couldn't get engaged in what I was promoting for my clients.
Yes, you may get engaged or married now - not a year or two from now!
There are also ways to get engaged with OpenNTF without contributing code.
Jason: That's cool. So, even if I get engaged with Beth, it won't matter too much?
You may get engaged or married within days of this date, or you may decide to break up.
Single and dating Aries may decide to get engaged or even married, a lovely time to do so.
If you've been dating and feel ready to get engaged, that would be the weekend it would happen.
This is good to know if you are planning to get engaged or have an expensive party or wedding.
The pair are now living together in Claire's flat in North-West London and are hoping to get engaged.
If you are hoping to get engaged or married, this month you should see a number of exciting developments.
If you've been dating seriously, you may feel ready to get engaged or married, perhaps for your birthday!
Some happy Pisces will get engaged, and others will marry over this weekend that will glimmer with good fortune!
The Lips covered Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody," duetted with female rapper Peaches and let two fans get engaged onstage.
Try not to get engaged thinking the thought but take a step back and notice what you were thinking of and how you feel.
Even if you are not ready to get engaged, this full moon may coax you to make a decision to form a business partnership.
Don't marry, get engaged to or otherwise even associate with men who will either sell or buy you, your children or both.
"No one's going to care about that," he said. "If you really want people to get engaged, you should put people at the center."
This is where I learned that change only happens when ordinary people getinvolved, get engaged, and come together to demand it.
OpenNTF users can contribute code, but they can also get engaged without contributing code, for example, by participating in a forum.
It is a traditional custom of a man giving betrothal gift to a woman when they get engaged, which still exists in modern Chinese society.
You may get engaged for your birthday, or you may actually become wed, and if so, you will have chosen the BEST time of the year to do so.
Certainly many Virgos will get engaged or married this month, for all the planets will act like loving little matchmakers - especially on February 27 and 28.
In any case we would like to get engaged, to continue to be engaged, with the people of Iran and the leaders of Iran. We have a lot of things to do together.
You may get engaged or married, or if you are attached to someone, you may travel together on a very inspiring vacation, and it would be a good time to do so.
The running thread through my career has been the notion that when ordinary people get involved, get engaged, and come together in collective effort, things change for the better.
The running thread through my career has been the notion that when ordinary people get involved, get engaged, and come together in collective effort, things change for the better.