I didn't know it impolite to get in a word.
Before I could get in a word he had measured me, and was giving orders for dress-suits, morning suits, shirts, and all sorts of things.
When Mary starts talking, no one else can get a word in edgeways.
Ernest dominated the conversation - Zhou could hardly get a word in edgewise.
欧内斯特滔滔不绝地说着 —周几乎无法插上话。
If you've got a new development in medicine, for example, bird flu, then you'll get a new word coming out of that.
It may be possible for you to get a system that does a lot of other things in addition to word processing.
When she start to talk - just watch out! I can't get in a single word.
Another parent commented: "We happy stay-at-home mums never get a word in; no one pays us any attention."
To get that word, you would need to load a quadword from memory location 0, and then shift the bits so that the value you want is in the preferred slot.
"Get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent..." (James 1:21 NIV) When you have a sin in your life, it blocks your hearing and prevents God's Word from getting into your heart.
“所以你们要脱去一切的污秽,和盈馀的邪恶……”(James 1:21NIV)当你的人生中有了罪过,这罪过将妨碍你的聆听、并阻止神的道进入你的心灵。
First, however, you need to get a reference to a new document in Word. Use this code.
The fundamental problem in my view lies in one word that describes a state of mind: shaoguanxianshi meaning don't get involved if it's not your business.
The fundamental problem, in my view, lies in one word that describes a state of mind: shaoguanxianshi, meaning don't get involved if it's not your business.
Whatever the reason, I get asked about careers often enough that I can now sum up my answer in a single word: options.
For a logical man, not able to get a word in edgewise, Vienna became a complete turnoff.
"That's the nearest we could get to the word 'whitewash' in Latin," says Hamilton, a bony finger tracing its outline.
She placed advertisements in a lifestyle newspaper and called friends to get the word out.
Before I get into the details of using XML, a short cautionary word is in order: XML is not a small, fast, space-saving format.
Say the word 'cactus,' and many people get a mental picture of a thick, straight up trunk with rounded tip, and sturdy branches curving to the vertical in a candelabra effect.
But it wasn't necessarily all that useful; you simply type a word in and eventually many minutes later you get a response back.
But unless you have the money to hire a publicist, you are going to have to promote yourself in order to get the word out to the right people.
Once in a while they're naughty: I did get word of a fellow who'd made a key safe by hollowing out one of my books.
Once you leave school, you won't get the new word drills and reading becomes a large part of the way in which you increase the range of words in your vocabulary.
Presentation to cause your prospect to want to complete your message i.e. tell them there's a misspelled word in your sales copy, and if they can find it - they get a special deal.
Open up Word or get out a blank sheet of paper and write that question up at the top. Here it is again in case you don't want to scroll up.
Shadowform: Devouring Plague, Shadow Word: Pain, and Vampiric Touch cast in Shadowform deal increased damage percentage equal to the player's chance to get a spell crit on their target.
You will get along best with a lover whose principles agree with yours or one who will take your word in this area.
You will get along best with a lover whose principles agree with yours or one who will take your word in this area.