He got up to get some hot water but found there was little left in the bottle.
In time I came to enjoy the hot steam of the sauna, but despite my growing love for Finland during several trips since, I could never get into the ice water.
You get access to a private hot tub for a reasonable price (going in a larger group is cheaper), and you even have the option to open the roof and the walls around you while soaking in hot water.
If we're seen in public with a human friend's significant other, it could get us in a lot of hot water.
But plunging ahead with a project when you don't know what you're doing can get you in hot water, cost the company money, and even cost you your job.
Hot water in the shower was terrible, not very hot and long waiting to get it.
This morning, I went to other dormitory to get some hot water for my instant noodles, because there was no drinking water in our dormitory.
The 55-year-old kept warm by dipping his feet in hot water but only managed to get about three hours' sleep a night in the freezing temperatures, the local Evening Express newspaper reported.
Clothes won't get cleaner if you use hot water. You are simply wasting hot water, and actually damaging the fibers in your clothing, especially items made with lycra or elastic.
They clean the subway cars every evening, because you know there is a lot of dirt and greens that have been picked up in the tunnel, I think we have to use a hot water system to get rid-off that.
And you can choose some sun-powered hot water heater if you can get enough sunshine in your city.
如果你的城市阳光充足,可以选择使用太阳 能热水器。
And you can choose some sun-powered hot water heater if you can get enough sunshine in your city.
如果你的城市阳光充足,可以选择使用太阳 能热水器。