If a cell does get fully drained, though, it can go into a state known as polarity reversal, in which the surrounding good cells drive the bad one in reverse.
"The closer we get to the boundary of instability, the more quickly a particular stimulus will send the brain into a new state," says Liley.
Do whatever it takes for the person to get into such state (you can, for example, tell a story that will lead the person to your desired emotional state).
If the system is a jumbled mess, then the system might get into an undesired state through any number of paths and so it is hard to debug.
Get into a sleepy, drowsy state and lull yourself to sleep feeling and knowing that your prayer is answered.
These changing constraints tend to get lost in a "monolithic" class diagram that does not take state into account.
Unlike an iterator, the cursor need not be advanced first (using next()) in order to get into a valid state.
You can use many other parameters in the lilo.conf file, but the parameters in Listing 1 should get you into a fairly usable state on your machine.
在lilo. conf文件中可以使用很多其他参数,不过清单1中的参数就足以让机器可用了。
You can use many other parameters in the grub.conf file, but the parameters in Listing 2 should get you into a fairly usable state on your machine.
在grub. conf文件中可以使用很多其他参数,不过清单2中的参数就足以让机器可用了。
Azar said the change resulted from finally getting the children out of the San Angelo Coliseum and into foster facilities around the state, where they were able to get a more accurate count.
Green tea has an amino acid called theanine, which sends your brain into a state of relaxed alertness that allows you to get a deeper sleep and respond to stress more calmly.
The goal is to get you out of a preprogrammed way of being by engaging in a behavior that shocks you, so as to change your state and facilitate the transition into another pattern.
This is the secret of building "Rapport"--- a state where two people easily get into harmony.
Hence, first contact is the catalyst that can permit you to regain your full potential and get your global society into a state of health.
So a sufficient warming-up exercise helps the body adjust to the race and get into a better state of motion, and prevents injury and accidents.
It is important to get your prospect into a great state of mind so when they decide to go with your product or service; they will always associate good feelings to that decision.
The first is the matter of how difficult it is to get a UML-like design into a state that it can be handed over difficult matter design to programmers.
If you end up doing something or end up in a particular state, you do that thing or get into that state even though you did not originally intend to.
The first is the matter of how difficult it is to get a UML-like design into a state that it can be handed over to programmers.
It's very difficult to get angry when you're concentrating on something, because anger is a trance state and you're actively stopping yourself going into trance, says Sandy.
Abusive people find it exciting to watch others get angry, get into fights, or be in a state of general uproar.
Abusive people find it exciting to watch others get angry, get into fights, or be in a state of general uproar.